Early Career Researcher Events for Philosophers of Education
credit Institute of Education and PESGB

Early Career Researcher Events for Philosophers of Education

Early Career Researcher Events for Philosophers of Education??

There are still (partly funded) spaces left for the Early Career Events for Philosophers (of Education), which will consist of a series of interactive, practical events that seek to support early career researchers working (wholly or partly) within more ‘non-empirical’ fields.?Through working with more experienced colleagues in philosophy of education and related domains, the events seek to help newer members to the academic community navigate a context which is often dominated by empirically-focused research.?


Who Are These Events For?

These events are funded by the PESGB Development Committee and are open to PESGB members and non-members.?

The term “Early Career Researcher” conventionally refers to anyone who has finished their PhD in the last 10 years, but the network is also open to those beyond this who, due to additional circumstances and/or responsibilities, still identify as an early career researcher. Late stage PhD researchers are also encouraged to apply. The events aim to be inclusive in nature, and for that reason, they will be open to those who (a) identify as early career and (b) identify as not having much experience with the areas supported through the events.?

The network is open to all members who work within theoretical fields, but is especially keen on supporting colleagues who come from marginalized backgrounds, as research shows that these colleagues are most affected by casualized working conditions, and who could therefore benefit most from the mentorship and guidance offered by more senior colleagues.?


Location and Format?

There will be three workshop events, all of which will run in the Summer 2023.?

1.??????Research Grant Writing??

????With: John Tillson (Liverpool Hope University), Emma Williams (University of Warwick), Joris Vleighe (K.U. Leuven), and Jane Gatley (Swansea University)?

????6th?June: 10am – 3pm?

????IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society, Room C3.09, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H0AL*?


2.??????International Opportunities??

With: Stefan Raemakers (K.U. Leuven), Morten Korsgaard (Malm? University), Bianca Thoilliez (UAM), áine Mahon (UCD) and Hans Schildermans (University of Vienna)??

15th?June: 10am – 2pm?

????Online (Zoom link to be sent to attendees prior to event)??


3.??????Publishing and Working With Journals??

With: David Bakhurst (Executive Editor of JOPE) and Paul Standish (Co-Editor of JOPE)?

28th?June: 1pm – 5pm?

Online (Zoom link to be sent to attendees prior to event)?


The events will include:?

  1. Roundtable Discussion with Speakers?(with time for Q&A) – where speakers will showcase their work, their research trajectories, and their experiences in relation to the theme of the event?
  2. Workshop Sessions – “Mentor Chats”?– where attendees will be encouraged to discuss their own research with each other and/or with the speakers in smaller groups, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with the theme of the event.?


Participants are encouraged to attend all three events, in part so that we can begin to facilitate a network of ECRs in philosophy of education.?

*Please note a change in rooms from the previous advertisement.?

*A vegan lunch will be provided for the event on June 6th. Please notify the organizer about any dietary requirements when registering on Eventbrite.??

*There will be eight grants of up to £100 for participants travelling from outside of London for the first in-person event. These will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Priority will be given to those who do not have access to institutional funding.?Please write a one-page (max.) application letter outlining (a) how you would benefit from the event and (b) a justification for funds?by?May 31st.?These can be sent to the organizer: Alison Brady:?[email protected]??


Possible Future Events and Activities:?

The immediate aim of these events is thus to offer guidance to early career researchers in the field on key activities that will allow them to develop as researchers, to learn from more experienced scholars in various aspects of work within and beyond academia, but also, to provide a forum in which these kinds of challenges can be openly discussed.?

A longer term aim is to create the space in which a grassroots, multi-institutional and international early-career network can flourish, one that will not be solely run by in a centralized fashion, but will instead be established with different local branches who are responsive to the particular needs within those contexts.??

A second longer term aim is to use these events as a springboard from which to organize other events and activities, including a conference or suite of papers that showcases early career work. Throughout the three events, the organizer will gauge the interest of members for such activities and will endeavour to organise a fourth ‘debriefing’ session (online) to discuss these possibilities in Autumn, 2023.?


Contact and Registration?

For any questions, please get in touch with the organizer, Alison Brady –?[email protected]??


To register your attendance, please use the following links:?

Research Grant Writing –?https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/594613544117??

International Opportunities –?https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/594620334427??

Working with Journals –?https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/594626001377??


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