Early Bird vs. Night Owl: Who’s Getting the Real Worm in Their Wallet?

Early Bird vs. Night Owl: Who’s Getting the Real Worm in Their Wallet?

"The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep." — E. Joseph Cossman

Dear Investors & Friends:


Welcome to this week’s SundayReads.


While studying for exams in school, I was like a night owl, studying late in the night, getting up in the morning with just enough time to freshen up and go to give the examination. I just couldn’t get up early to study!! And now? I rise at 5:30 am and shine!!

In the world of personal productivity and financial success, the mantra of "rise and shine" has long prevailed. The idea that early risers are naturally more productive and destined for success is deeply ingrained in our culture. But what if this conventional wisdom isn’t the whole story? What if waking up late, against tradition, could be just as effective—or even more beneficial—when it comes to productivity and decision-making?


Recent studies and shifting perspectives suggest that aligning our wake-up times with our natural rhythms might be more crucial than following societal norms.


The concept of “morning people” fits well with traditional work schedules. But chronobiology—the study of internal clocks—shows that not everyone is wired to be a morning person. Each individual has a unique circadian rhythm, affecting when we feel most alert and productive.


A study published in Personality and Individual Differences found that "night owls" often display higher cognitive abilities and creative problem-solving skills than early risers. Researchers suggest that night owls may be more adaptable and open to new experiences—traits crucial for creative thinking. For those whose work relies on creativity, late rising might align better with peak productivity.


Moreover, studies show that night owls tend to be more resilient to sleep deprivation than early risers, offering an edge in industries requiring flexibility or longer hours. While this doesn’t mean late risers should sacrifice sleep, it highlights an adaptability that can be an asset professionally.


From a productivity standpoint, late risers can accomplish tasks with greater efficiency during their most alert hours. This flexibility can translate to financial gains, allowing them to optimize time and energy rather than forcing themselves into a draining routine.


Personally, my best ideas often come when I allow myself to work with my own rhythm, even if it means starting later than traditional norms suggest. This has taught me that productivity isn’t about when you start but how effectively you use your time.


Not everyone can set their own schedules, and many jobs still demand early starts. Yet, even within these constraints, there is value in recognizing and respecting our natural rhythms. Late risers can structure their mornings with low-stakes activities, reserving high-focus tasks for their peak times.


The takeaway here isn’t that everyone should wake up late but that early rising isn’t inherently superior. Understanding your body’s clock can better align your routine with your goals, leading to balanced productivity, improved decision-making, and a healthier financial life.


What is important though is finding the rhythm that works for you. While society celebrates the early riser, science shows night owls have their own strengths. Whether managing investments, launching a new venture, or simply tackling daily tasks, it’s worth reflecting on your natural rhythms.


So, next time you’re tempted to hit snooze or stay up late, listen to what your body is telling you. Could that extra hour of sleep or late-night energy be your hidden advantage? Embrace the rhythm that suits you best—you might find your path to productivity and financial well-being in the time that feels right for you.




Kavita Bothra


Helping you think thoughts you may not have thought before.

Bahubali Shah

Aims to be the most Authentic, Convenient, and Trustworthy provider of Financial Services and Solutions - BMS Financials

2 周

Very important topic as usual..?????? Waking up early he is of great advantage ...?? Ayurveda always talks about the same.. this topic should be talked/ discussed/spread frequently amongst the youngsters!!??


Techno Color Corporation

2 周

Very informative

