Early Bird Brief: May 7, 2024
Defense News
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Today's Top 5:
US soldier arrested in Russia, Army officials confirm
(Military Times & The Associated Press) An American soldier is being held by Russian authorities on charges of criminal misconduct, Army officials confirmed Monday. Read More
How DC became obsessed with a potential 2027 Chinese invasion of Taiwan
(Defense News) At a summit near San Francisco in November, the leaders of America and China turned to the biggest threat to their relationship. Read More
Eyeing the storm: Air Force’s ‘Hurricane Hunters’ are busier than ever
(Air Force Times) About 130 miles off the coast of Atlantic City, New Jersey, Master Sgt. Shawn Hogue grabs a tube from above his computer station in the belly of a WC-130J “Weatherbird” and launches it through a chute. Read More
How sexual harassment and the shipyard crippled a Navy warship
(Navy Times) By the time the junior officer emailed her peers in March 2022, reminding them to do their jobs and protect their sailors from each other, the men and women of the Navy destroyer Bulkeley had suffered through a rough couple of years. Read More
One defense strategy, two drastically different budgets
(Defense News) Why the US Air Force and Navy created contrasting spending plans to prepare for conflict with China Read More
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