Each of your desires will blossom

Each of your desires will blossom

Are you frustrated or impatient with a project or life in general?

Do you feel like nothing works for you?

Does it feel like other people are more successful, have better relationships, and more money?

Let me tell you a story:

“Each of your desires is a tree that needs time to blossom!

There was the most beautiful tree full with white flowers. Could be a cherry tree full with white flowers.

The sky was blue and the air was warm.

The little child is sitting by the tree and he feels like he owns the tree.

The child is super happy, running circles around the tree, and shouting out loud:

Have you seen anything more beautiful than my tree?

Then a big lion came and sat by the child.

And the child thought:?

This is my lion.?

And the child hugged the lion and told him how much he loved him.

Then a crow came and started to eat under the tree. The child didn’t care for the crow.

Then the tree lost all the beautiful, white flowers.

The tree had no leaves, only barren branches.

Then an owl came and the child got scared.

Then the lion died.

Then snow fell, and cold air came. The sky was gray and the wind was blowing.

Then the owl flew away.

Then the child grew into this old, frail, tired? person, with long hair.

Only a crow that he didn’t care about was hanging out with him.

He thought he was going to die.

Then warm air came again.

Then a new? lion? cub came.

New blossoms on the tree!”

The morale of the story: the tree is your desire. It needs time to blossom. Life will happen around it, and your mood will be great when you see the results, and progressively worse as you are getting farther away from them.

But regardless if you are left only with people that don’t believe in you like the crow, or if you feel tired of waiting, your desire will blossom.

You just need to stay close to your tree.?


Zahmoul El Mays

Attorney At Law at CIVIL COURT CASES

1 年

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