In Each of Us
Simon.P.Akugizibwe Bsc.Tel Eng, ACIM, MIBA
Telecom Professional & Part Time Consultant
One common recurring i have observed among my fellow peers as we grow older and share our life experiences is if we are achieving our goals and dreams. Sometimes its even more profound to self assess and ask if we even know what our actual purpose on earth is. The more we question, the more we dig deeper and start to ask the right questions like who we actually are and what is within us that we have to offer the world and create an impact. I wrote a short poem as below on the premise of what lies within each of us to give us identity and sense of purpose and destiny. I stand to be corrected.
"In each of us is the power to wait upon the beauty of life to manifest at the right time after moments of darkness.
In each of us is a rebel that stands resolute in the face of conformity to the norms of this world that go against our core values and identity.
In each of us is a skeptic that questions the rationale and intentions of others that would make us lose our sense of self.
In each of us is a sinner that is flawed but with a heart of contriteness to right our wrongs.
In each of us is a deviant that chooses a separate path from the crowd and reinforces our convictions that we are on journey to find our true selves.
In each of us is a special soul that is meant to light up the world for other troubled souls that are lost.
But most importantly,
In each of us is a watch that ticks away the seconds,minutes and hours and time to the moment we reach in our lives when we have found ourselves. "