Each One Teach One
Tim Martinez
I solve BIG problems for serious people - CEO Advisor | Exit & Succession Planning | M&A
We all have something of inherent value deep within us. Whether it’s a unique skill or ability, each of us has something that adds value to the world. Recognizing of course, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist, professor or thought leader to possess great value as a human.
For centuries, cultures were built upon the individuals of a tribe, family or small community teaching others skills and passing down stories and traditions. Even as modern society began to grow, families worked together and in many cases adopted the last name of their traits – Shoemaker, Goldsmith, Carpenter and so forth. Somewhere along the way we stopped relying on our family and tribe and put learning solely on the shoulders of our employers and the education system. Furthermore, we abandoned the personal responsibility of teaching others, or rather passing down value.
I’m here to tell you that the world today needs what you have to offer.
It’s time for us to take the personal responsibility of teaching one another in order to add value back into our society from the inside out.
Civilization has seen many changes within a relatively short amount of time;
- Living and working in a tribe to owning land and working on farms.
- Working on farms to working in factories.
- From factories, then to offices.
- Working in offices, to working from home.
With each shift, comes the need to adapt and learn new skills.
I have a hunch that you have something of tremendous value that you can share with even just one person that would make a huge impact in their life and potentially the new world.