Each And Every Memory
For it being a Saturday, it was certainly an eventful day with having to present an offer well before the hour of eight this morning on my new listing over at 408 N. Jackson. The offer was well received, but after visiting at length with the seller, he decided to counter-offer on it, and only because he felt he had far more in the home than what he was going to end up with, which I believed to be a valid reason because a great deal of those improvements, were the expensive things which had nothing to do with the many inexpensive cosmetics our 'flippers' add to homes which sell for far more than what I believe they're worth. Hopefully the buyer will realize the difference and agree to the counter-offer. That over-sized double garage would cost likely over $50K to build one the same size.
Since I had several hours to kill, a friend of mine asked if I would like to take a short trip over to Osage where they were having a large yearly coming-together of vendors from all over North Iowa. I agreed to go as long as we'd be back in time for me to be over to Clear Lake for a late morning appointment I had scheduled.
It was a pleasant drive over, and luckily I took my camera because I got some really good shots which I'm sharing with you tonight, so if you click on the main photo, a slide-show will begin. I purposely converted a few of them to black and white, just to give a little more character to the photos. I thought the stairway one to be quite moving. What do you think?
When we got back, I grabbed my valise and headed over to my Clear Lake appointment which for some reason took me longer to get there because of all the traffic heading towards the lake. I was beginning to wonder if they were had something going on over there today, but I didn't bother driving into their downtown or ask anyone about it.
My meeting was productive to where I believe we're now on the right track with getting my client happily settled into his new digs. I fully understand the emotional roller-coaster some have to endure when uprooting themselves from a home they've live in for decades. Like I've always said, the longer someone lives in a given home, the harder it is to move, which is almost like trying to transplant a full-grown tree without disturbing its roots to the point of it not being able to survive once it's been transplanted. I also remind such sellers that if you take each and every memory with you, you'll be absolutely fine.
When I got back to the city, I changed into my work clothes and spent a good two-plus hours working on my project, and in spite of my not getting as much done as I wanted today, I had to keep reminding myself that I'd not wasted any precious time other than a much-needed get away from the city with my short trip to that charming Mitchell County Seat of Osage. I actually could see myself living in that thriving community.? There's no question they've got their act together in more ways than one, which is why our city administration and council should be going to them for direction.
Since I don't have to play for a church tomorrow morning, I'm hoping I can get a full day's workout over at my sometimes exhausting project. I believe what keeps me at it, is clearly remembering what it looked like before I started, which is now, a far cry from where I began. There's definitely a very positive resonance that's been building within, which I find quite remarkable.
Before calling it quits for the day, I went out and picked some fresh veggies for my friend who'd recently asked if I had some to spare, so I'll be dropping them off early tomorrow morning.
Tonight's One-liner is: At times, words can be nothing less than loaded pistols readied firing.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/09/21/each-and-every-memory/