EA softens HVO stance | CLC revises MAC pitch | Signalling merger blocked
The British Property Federation is pressing government to just reform existing planning charges rather than introduce a whole new levy.
First-half sales for house-builder Crest Nicholson were down by nearly a quarter amid market wobbles.
The Construction Leadership Council is pressing for immigration restrictions to be eased for a wider range of construction trades.
The proposed takeover of Thales GTS by Hitachi could lead to rail signalling projects becoming more expensive, the competition authorities have determined.
SES Engineering Services, part of Wates Group, has appointed Rob Clifford as its new managing director.
Consulting engineer Atkins is planning to grow its environment practice by 50% over the next two years.
Willmott Dixon has returned to Kingsmere in Bicester for further work at St Edburg’s CE Primary School.
Willmott Dixon has returned to Kingsmere in Bicester for further work at St Edburg’s CE Primary School.
The Environment Agency has swung behind the use of hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) as a cleaner alternative to diesel and has commissioned consultants to set out its position.
Italian contractor Webuild has added another link to its chain of high-speed rail contracts in Sicily.