E3D User Guide

E3D User Guide



Welcome to E3D, your gateway to exploring the Ethereum blockchain in 3D. This guide will help you navigate the user interface, showcasing how to visualize transactions of tokens and NFTs in real-time, customize the layout, search, swap tokens, and more.

Initial View

When you first launch E3D, you’ll see a dynamic 3D sphere filled with tokens and NFTs, representing recent blockchain activity. Let’s start from the beginning. What am I looking at? I get asked that a lot. And since there is clearly a lot going on in the UI, there are many ways to begin the answer to this question. It is also difficult to describe in a sentence or two, so it can take a few minutes to explain what it is, how to use it, and why. I am still working on a one-liner. All ideas on this are very much appreciated.

Artistic Perspective

Personally, I see it as a new form of modern art. So modern that it is a real-time snapshot of our dynamic reality, in 3D, of the tokens and NFTs that have had transactions in the last couple of minutes. Besides art, it is also a very holistic view of what society is thinking about and doing right now, manifested as tokens and NFTs. If AI is hot, you will see AI tokens. If Elon Musk’s dog is hot, you see tokens related to that as well. So it is not just what topics are on people's minds, it is what the people creating and deploying these think is on people's minds, and along with many other characteristics, interactions, statistics, descriptions, and features it all becomes a living story, and everyone loves a good story.

Social Media Integration

In some sense, it is a new form of social media, where the content is images of tokens and NFTs. To enhance this, I am thinking about adding a comment feature for each token and NFT, with like/dislike buttons for each. That could be fun. There is also a relationship between the tokens and NFTs since the size of each is determined by the volume of transactions during the range of time. There are other relationships that can be displayed as well, like transactions between users and tokens, not just between the tokens.

Interface and Interaction

When the UI first comes up, the tokens and NFTs are in the shape of a 3D sphere. There are other 3D and 2D shapes to choose from, but I decided to go with the 3D sphere as the opener, filling a good part of the visible space in the x, y, and z directions. It is also spinning, which is great since it is 3D, and half of the tokens and NFTs are on the back side of the sphere at any point in time. By spinning, the tokens on the sides and the back become visible as they move between gaps in the tokens and NFTs in the front. And since it is spinning, you do not really have to do anything, at least immediately. As you watch the sphere spin, your mind will take care of changing focus from one token or NFT to another as they move from the front, off to the side, and on to the back, and new ones appear from the other side.

Real-time and Dynamic Content

By default, there will be about 400-500 tokens and NFTs in the sphere. The actual number depends because what is being searched for are the latest transactions on the Ethereum blockchain. As of this writing, the default number of transactions is currently set at 5000. Those 5000 transactions are the swaps of tokens and NFTs, typically between a person's wallet address and the tokens or NFTs that are being swapped. This results in a couple of hundred tokens and NFTs, which is a reasonable number for the 3D graph. The graph can handle more, and it is fun to try 10,000 or even 50,000, but as the number goes up, it will become a more crowded space, and performance will go down. At some point, when the number of transactions and thus tokens and NFTs is too high, the browser will crash. There is a limit of 100K transactions though, which should work, albeit slowly, in most browsers on most platforms.

Mobile Experience

The E3D site does appear on mobile platforms. The sphere spins, which looks amazing, and the tokens can be moved around. However, the UI does have a lot of controls, maybe too many, which makes the mobile UI very crowded. I have not really spent any time yet developing or testing specifically for mobile. I am looking forward to it though, because I think lots of people research tokens and NFTs from their phones, and would like a better UI, than just endless vertical lists of tokens sorted in different ways.


Speaking of lists, there are some in the E3D site, and there will probably be more. I will always strive to focus on making as much of the data available in the 3D space as possible, but many types of data are better suited to lists, especially as you move from the macro picture or ecosystem, to the details of a particular token or NFT. And some people may prefer to see the data in both 3D form and lists, in order to get different perspectives on it.

Token and NFT List

One of the primary lists in E3D is the vertical list of tokens and NFTs on the right. This list is visible by default, but can be closed using the list icon (aka hamburger) at the top right. The entries in this list are the tokens and NFTs in the 3D graph, and each entry contains the icon, name, price, and volume. This list can be long and is scrolled using the mouse/trackpad or with the up and down arrow key. When an entry in the list is selected, it is highlighted in the list and zoomed into the 3D graph by “flying” from the current location or camera position to the selected entry. The flight from one token to another looks cool, and adds to the sense of being in a space with objects in it that have some distance between them. I like it, and hope you enjoy the ride as much as I do.

Detailed Information Overlays

When a selection is made by either clicking on an item in the list or in the graph, the info overlay in the upper left portion of the graph space is also updated to show the icon, name, symbol, contract address, price, and market cap. There are also icons to open a new window to the token's website, to a price chart, to the etherscan.io page, Twitter, and Uniswap pages. To the right is a scrollable description of the selected token, which I find very useful and informative while browsing around the graph at tokens that look interesting that I want to know more about. The descriptions are usually about the token itself, or the project / application that it represents. Finally, to the right of that is a price chart for the day. I could have done the week or the year, but in the spirit of the real-time nature of the site I decided to go with the current day. Mind you, not all tokens and NFTs. Most of the data in E3D is mined from a geth/prysm server combo, but this data is queried on demand using the coingecko and coinmarketcap REST-API’s.

Transaction Details List

The other main list in E3D is at the bottom of the screen, and is not visible by default. It is enabled using the list icon at the far left bottom corner of the screen. This is the list of transactions for the currently selected item. And since there is always a currently selected item, even by default, which is the first item in the token and NFT list, there is always some number of transactions displayed in the transactions list. The fields or columns in the transaction list are a subset of the fields in an Ethereum block transaction. These include the following for each transaction: the Timestamp of each transaction in the format 4/28/2024, 8:5011 AM, the icons for the From and To, Block#, Transaction hash, Transaction Value, Transaction Fee, Gas Limit, Gas Used, and Gas Price. Beside each value which is in ETH or Gwei is the equivalent value in USD or ETH like “0.003600 ETH ($11.96)” for a Transaction Fee, or “40.000000000 Gwei (0.00000004000000000 ETH) for a Gas Price.

Flying to Tokens

Clicking on a transaction entry will fly you to the token in the graph. Shift-clicking on a transaction will take you to the etherscan.io page for that token. I am not happy with the shift-click because it is not obvious, and am trying to come up with a better way to do this. I will probably change it to go to the etherscan page if you click on the Block# or Transaction Hash, but still not as obvious as I would like. Of course, there could be more entries than there is room on the page, so using the trackpad or the mouse up/down keys will scroll the list.

Take the Free Tour

As if rotating the map in 3D was not amazing enough, there is also an ugly green button at the bottom to start the Tour. When the the tour begins it will fly you, at no extra charge to each token, give you some time to read the description, and then move on to the next token in the tour. The amount of time at each token is just a few seconds, so if you see something you want to spend longer studying, or even swap, you can hit the Tour button at any time to stop the tour. There are also forward and backward buttons in case you want to move through the tour manually. The backward button can come in handy if you missed something, and want to stop the tour, and go back to it. There are more things we can do here, and will.

Auto Refresh

For those of you who want to have E3D running all the time, like on the investor wall at a large trading firm, or just on your own machine, the Auto Refresh button was made just for you. With Auto Refresh enabled E3D.ai will refresh the graph with the latest token transactions. It will get whatever has been cached on the server, so sometimes it may be the same, but when the server refreshes the cache, the graph will update with the latest token and NFTs that had transactions.

Advanced Layouts

Now let’s have some fun. When I use E3D what I like to do is experiment with different shape possibilities with the vertical toolbar on the left. From the top, there is a grouped set of icons for 2D and 3D modes. Of course, the graph is always displayed in 3D, but some of the shape icons can position the tokens and NFTs in either 2D or 3D. The difference is that in 3D mode, the tokens and NFTs will have depth or varying z-axis values, while in 2D mode the depth of the tokens and NFTs are all the same, i.e. no depth. But what I like to do is create custom layouts of the tokens and NFTs using a combination of shape controls in both 2D and 3D modes. For example, switch to 2D mode and click on the same sphere icon, which will produce a 2D circle, like a wheel. But even in 2D, the circle is in a 3D space, so moving the tokens and NFTs out of the circle and spinning that around can be very interesting and look super cool.

Pyramid and Grid

But let’s move on. I also like the Pyramid and Grid views in 3D. They are kinda like the sphere, but instead of the middle being hollow, it is filled with tokens and NFTs that are evenly spread in all directions. Admittedly, these views can be a little dense and crowded, especially if the volume is high, which can cause the icon images to be larger. If the graph is too dense, and the images are blocking each other, the view can be improved with the Expand button, which is the last icon on the bottom left toolbar. Right above that is the Compress button, which pulls everything back toward the center.

The Tube

Next is one of my favorites, which is called the Tube. The Tube view layout tool is the icon with two horizontal lines. The Tube view is interesting, and what you end up with depends on how you get there, which I think is great. And since we have learned about a few of the layout modes and controls, here is one of my favorite workflows which includes the Tube. First, switch from Sphere to Grid. We have talked about the Grid already, which positions the tokens and NFTs in a pattern that is perfect for the Tube. From here, switch to the Tube, and then hit the Expand button to spread it out. Not bad? But wait, now with your mouse or trackpad, rotate the tube so the opening is right in front and you are looking through the tube. How cool is that! Now zoom in and out through the inside of the Tube.

Top Toolbar

Ok, that’s enough fun for now, or is it? Let’s talk about the toolbar at the top which starts with the E3D icon on the far left. Have you clicked on it yet? It brings up an E3D Welcome dialog with the pitch about what the E3D Beta is, and some of the highlights of the app, the vision, and why you should use it, sign up, and buy the E3D Token. Its counterpart is on the far right, which is the documentation icon button. It may be how you got to this, but I am not sure, because as I am writing it right now, I have not decided where to put it.

Search Field

The search field will be used for many things, but at the moment you can enter a contract address and it will search the database for all of the transactions for it. It will go further back in time than the original search, and the result will include a token to user transactions. It does not make for a very interesting graph because the users are just displayed as blue spheres, but the transaction list will have all of the user to token transactions, which is the real point of this feature. There is a lot more that the search bar could do, and I am looking forward to adding all of those possibilities in the near future. Having said that, it is more important to hear what you want it to do, so please email me at [email protected] with your requests.

Reload Button

To the right of the search bar is the reload icon button. This does not reload the whole page like the browser right-click reload does, but rather makes a new query based on the current settings. For example, if you click the filter icon button just to the right (which looks like a funnel) it will populate the search bar with the contract address of the current selection. Then the reload button can be clicked to load the transactions for that. If you go down this path, and end up with just one token and all of its transactions, you can clear the search bar, reload again, and hit the sphere icon button.

Search Options

Further to the right are icon buttons that affect the query when the search/reload is hit. The user icon button can be enabled to include user transactions in the result. The NFT icon button limits the result to only NFT transactions. The Bitcoin icon button, or whatever that is, displays token transactions only. The dollar sign icon button displays only swap transactions. The clock icon button, which is enabled by default, limits the result to the time and range in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

Rotate Button

We have already talked a bit about the spinning sphere, which is enabled by default, and enabled and disabled using the rotating arrows icon button. The spin or rotate feature is also disabled by clicking in the graph. Sometimes it takes a few clicks, and I am working on that. No matter what the mode or position of the icons and NFTs are in the graph, clicking on the rotating feature will start the whole thing spinning.

Visualization Controls

The chart icon button is enabled by default, and it controls the overlay of token information on the graph when something new is selected. This includes the Transactions chart at the bottom left of the graph. These can be turned off individually, but will reappear when there is a new selection. But disabling the whole feature will cause them not to appear at all.

Save and Load Graphs

To the right of the chart icon button, we have the Save and Load Token Coordinates icon buttons. This is a premium feature that will probably require a subscription in the future, but I am still figuring that out. One idea is to offer the subscription as a reward for purchasing some amount of the E3D Token. What do you think about that? Maybe it depends on the feature, which is to save the timeframe and coordinate positions of the graph to the database as a named entry, and then to load that named entry back in. This works today, but is definitely beta, and just requires you to signup and login, which is necessary for the app to know where to save and load the profiles from.

Download Options

The File icon button with the arrow brings down a menu to choose which format to download the graph to your local download folder. The choices are CSV, JPEG, PNG, and PDF. This will save just the token and NFT images in the graph window, and not the info overlays.

MetaMask Integration

At this point we are almost done, so stick around for the finale. I am sure you saw the Connect Wallet button on the upper right. This is how you connect to Metamask in order to swap the currently selected token. Once connected to your wallet, hitting the SWAP TOKENS button will bring up a dialog with the amount of ETH to swap which defaults to .01 ETH or around $32 at the time of this writing. Yes, the amount of ETH can be changed. If you then hit the “Continue to Wallet" button, Metamask will appear with the details of your swap, and a Reject and Confirm button to go from there.

NFT and Token Transactions

It just occurred to me that the SWAP TOKENS probably won’t work for NFTs. NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain are different from ERC-20 tokens. The smart contract for an NFT is an ERC-721, and is really the manager of the NFTs, not the individual NFTs themselves. Each NFT is actually just an id that is used to identify and locate the information about the NFT, like where the image is, which is usually on the IPFS network somewhere. I will have to look into that and figure it out.

Seamless Integration of Tokens and NFTs

But speaking of NFTs, I will take this opportunity to point out how both tokens and NFTs are both seamlessly integrated into E3D. That was not easy to do, but it was part of the vision and I was determined to figure it out. As you use E3D more, you will start to notice that there are not as many NFT transactions as there are token transactions, and although this makes sense it is interesting to get a sense of it in the app. It will also be interesting to see that balance change as tokenizing everything in the universe becomes more common. One more thing I notice is that NFT transactions tend to come in batches. The result of this is that for a particular range of time the E3D map may contain a bunch of NFT images, and sometimes they are all the same image.

NFT Minting

The longer-term vision is to add a feature to mint a new NFT out of a saved graph. The NFT will contain the list of other NFTs in the image such that when the NFT is purchased a percentage of the proceeds will automatically be paid out to the owners of the other NFTs in the image. Lots of work to do on that, but it will happen.

The NFT Minting feature represents an ambitious expansion of the E3D platform's capabilities. This feature will enable users to mint a new NFT directly from the E3D platform, using a saved visualization of the Ethereum blockchain. The resulting NFT will not only encapsulate a unique snapshot of blockchain interactions but also embed the essence of the community and connectivity represented within that snapshot.

Process and Functionality

To mint an NFT, a user will first save a particular graph configuration that they find meaningful or informative. This could be a visualization that shows a surge in a particular token, a notable shift in the market, or just a personally aesthetically pleasing arrangement of tokens and NFTs. Once saved, the user can initiate the minting process directly within the E3D platform.

The minted NFT will include a detailed list of all tokens and NFTs depicted in the saved graph. This list ensures that each element within the graph is recognized as a contributing factor to the overall value and uniqueness of the final NFT.

NFT Revenue Sharing Model

A distinctive feature of these minted NFTs is the built-in revenue sharing mechanism. When an NFT created from a saved graph is sold, a predetermined percentage of the proceeds will be automatically distributed to the owners of the original NFTs included in the image. This feature not only incentivizes users to include their NFTs in such visualizations but also fosters a sense of community and mutual benefit. It aligns with the decentralized ethos of the blockchain community, where collaborative success contributes to individual benefits.

Technical Considerations

Implementing this feature involves complex interactions between smart contracts, the E3D visualization platform, and the Ethereum blockchain. The smart contracts must be designed to handle the tracking of ownership and the distribution of proceeds in a secure and transparent manner. They will need to be robust enough to manage potential changes in token and NFT ownership, ensuring that proceeds from sales are always directed to the current owners.

Challenges and Opportunities

The development of the NFT minting feature poses several challenges, including ensuring the scalability of the system to handle potentially large numbers of transactions and payouts, maintaining security against potential exploits, and ensuring a user-friendly interface that can accommodate the complexities of NFT minting and sales.

However, the opportunities are significant so we are determined to figure it out. By enabling users to create and monetize unique digital assets based on real-time data, E3D can significantly enhance user engagement. Additionally, this feature could attract a new audience of users interested in the intersection of digital art, blockchain technology, and financial investment.

Future Developments

As the platform evolves, we anticipate expanding the capabilities of the NFT Minting feature to include more customizable options for visualization, more sophisticated algorithms for revenue distribution, and deeper integration with other blockchain platforms and currencies. This would not only enhance the utility and appeal of the E3D platform but also position it at the forefront of digital asset innovation and blockchain visualization technology.

Closing Thoughts

That is all I got for now. I hope you are excited to use E3D.ai, or if you already do, you now know how to use it more effectively. I hope you get as hooked on E3D as I do, and welcome you to provide feedback on how we can make it better together.

Lexi Kisner

Brydon & Ives Real Estate Team - East Bay, CA

10 个月

Love this!


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