Welcoming the Opportunities of 2024!

Dear Partners and Colleagues

As we acknowledge the remarkable year that was behind of us, we are thrilled to present the highlights of our journey in the annual E2E Newsletter for 2023. This compilation aims to provide you with a succinct overview of the impactful activities and achievements that have shaped the E2E landscape throughout the year.

Our success story wouldn't be complete without acknowledging the unwavering support of our dedicated partners and local change agents. Together, we have implemented many transformative initiatives across nine cities, thanks to the collaboration with our local partner organizations: RBC & BIPS (Kragujevac), ECK (Kru?evac), CSO Osve?enje (Pirot), Timok Club (Knja?evac), ENECA (Ni?), Forca (Po?ega), Svetlost (?abac), Regional Development Agency (Kraljevo), and Pro.Tok 21 (Smederevo).

A special gratitude extends to the key stakeholders in the Serbian government, including the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs (MoLEVSA), the Ministry of Education (MoE), the National Employment Service (NES), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS), the Office for Dual Education and the National Qualifications Framework and the Qualification Agency (AoQ). Their collaboration has been instrumental in advancing the E2E program's mission to contribute to the development of youth employment policies and legislation in Serbia.

Our collective efforts have yielded numerous tangible and significant outcomes, and we proudly present them to you in this newsletter. Looking ahead to 2024, we are excited about the prospect of continuing our close collaboration and communication with partners. Together, we aim to address the evolving needs of youth employment through joint endeavours, focusing on modernizing policies and cultivating skills demanded by a dynamic private sector.

As we embark on a new year, we extend our heartfelt wishes for a wonderful, healthy, and fruitful 2024 to you and your loved ones.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

With anticipation and gratitude,

The E2E Team

WBL (Work-based learning) Results in 2023

The 4th Public Call - “WBL Training Platform” – has been under full implementation throughout the year and more than 170 WBLs training program have been approved. Until now, 101 successfully implemented WBLs in 55 companies, empowering 417 trainees i.e. future workforce in Serbia. Also, according the latest financially reported data, companies trained 312 youngsters, out of which 145 were females. These WBLs were supported by the E2E with 32.5 million RSD, by companies with 42.7 million RSD, while LSGs invested 900 thousand RSD. Currently 48 WBLs are in the implementation process, and all trainings are supposed to be finished by the end of January 2024.

The majority of positions required by the companies were from the metal-processing sector i.e. CNC operator, Welder and Locksmith, while services sector also steadily grows in demand. Aside of tourism and catering, there are additional new IT trainings that were implemented for occupations i.e. ?Junior Full Stack Developer, Junior Software Developer, Junior iOS developer, Junior android developer, Junior Blockchain Developer, Content writer, Junior UX/UI Designer and Junior Quality Assurance Engineer. Traditionally automotive industry suppliers are also regular WBL participants with the highest number of trainees in their respective trainings.

In close collaboration with the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (CCIS), E2E organized a successful conference held at the CCIS premises in May. The conference served as a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration of representatives from all six Western Balkan economies, showcasing the best practices in the field of formal VET and non-formal education and social inclusion.?We witnessed first-hand the power of collaboration and the impact it can have on shaping the future of the entire region’s economy.

This video highlights the key moments of the conference, capturing the engaging discussions, thought-provoking presentations, newly developed career guidance and counselling VR tool, and valuable networking opportunities that took place. It's an excellent opportunity to get a glimpse into the rich content and lively atmosphere that characterized the event.

E2E enhances collaboration with SMEs at MSP 100 Expo 2023

The E2E ?continued its successful partnership with the private sector, particularly with small and medium enterprises (SMEs), at the MSP 100 Expo 2023 organized by the Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES). The event, opened by H.E. Urs Schmid, Ambassador of Switzerland, highlighted the crucial role of SMEs in local labour market development.

During the panel discussion on "Global and Serbian Trends in the Labor Market", E2E presented its achievements and outlined future plans. The primary focus remains on aiding the private sector in identifying suitable candidates for nonformal on-the-job training. Simultaneously, the project aims to assess, prepare, and integrate young individuals into the local labour market with the support of local self-governments.

The collaborative efforts of all stakeholders involved are crucial for mitigating negative trends in the local labour market and achieving a substantial reduction in the youth unemployment rate, in?near future.

CGC (Career Guidance and Counselling) Results in 2023

E2E opened additional three JOB INFO centres in Serbia for young persons

During 2023, in cooperation with the local partner organisations - RDA in Kraljevo, ECK in Kru?evac, and Timok Club in Knja?evac, the E2E officially opened three JOB INFO centres (JIC) for young job-seekers.

Embarking on a dynamic fusion of education and the professional realm, the JOB INFO Center stands as a robust connection. At the core of the JOB INFO centers lies the pivotal role of offering comprehensive support services to schoolchildren, students, and the unemployed throughout the journey of career development and planning.

Going beyond conventional services, the JOB INFO center introduces an array of personal interest tests and competence assessments. This innovative approach empowers jobseekers by providing insights into the alignment of their interests with the ever-evolving needs of the labour market. Through these modernized career guidance and counselling services, we aim to equip young individuals with the skills necessary for effective career management, ultimately expediting their path to successful employment.

Three Regional Events to Promote the E2E CGC services

?More than 200 participants from Primary and secondary schools from Ni?avski, Topli?ki and Zaje?arski counties in Ni? , from Ma?vanski and Kolubarski counties, as well as from Sremska Mitrovica and Ruma in ?abac, and from ?umadijski, Podunavski, Moravi?ki and Ra?ki counties in Kragujevac were presented the career guidance and counselling (CGC) services with the aim to improve? youth career management skills through partnership, joint efforts and using innovative CGC tools developed within E2E. ?CGC services are intended for youth between 15 and 30 years of age, and to those older than 30 if they belong to a hard-to-employ category, and the goal is to prepare them for labour market and responsible career management.

Breaking barriers: E2E introduces new CGC tool - virtual reality to attract Serbian youth to job training opportunities

Showcasing the effectiveness of work-based learning at a regional event in May, the E2E presented its newly developed career guidance and counselling VR tool as unique experience in getting to know the profession of welding for young job seekers in Serbia. At the event, attendees had the chance to witness for the first time the capabilities of a custom-designed career guidance and counselling VR tool applied to welding, one of the highly sought-after occupations in non-formal training through work. The E2E team developed this innovative method to empower young individuals to make informed career decisions through active participation in the learning process rather than passively watching videos or reading material. Incorporating cutting-edge technology has transformed the learning environment. To date, E2E developed three VR applications for different occupations: welder, forklift and assistant chef.

E2E organized a study trip to Switzerland to build capacity of career practitioners

As part of the efforts to enhance the capabilities of local partner organizations, the E2E project organized a study trip to Switzerland from October 16th to 20th, 2023. During the four-day visit to Berne, Geneva, and Brugg, E2E Job Info Centers' career practitioners delved into the intricacies of Switzerland's successful career guidance and counselling (CGC) system. The trip aimed at learning from best practices, refining skills, and exchanging experiences in the realms of career guidance and counselling. The focus extended to IT solutions for assessing youth competencies, quality guidance and matching in the dual education system, and the inclusion of hard-to-employ categories in the labour market.

Policy Results reached in 2023

Collaborating closely with MoLEVSA and MoE, the E2E actively engaged in initiatives geared towards enhancing employment and education policies. The overarching goal is to foster a smoother transition and elevate the competitive edge of young individuals in the labour market. This, in turn, aims to establish an effective and sustainable nexus between the youth and the economy. E2E extends tangible support to institutions tasked with policy implementation, including the National Employment Service (NES), the Office for Dual Education and the National Qualifications Framework, the Qualification Agency (AoQ), the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIS), and schools. Here is a snapshot of key highlights from 2023 in our ongoing commitment to policy support.

E2E boosts the Youth Guarantee scheme in Serbia via a study trip to Portugal to showcase the lessons learnt for the representatives of relevant Serbian institutions

The E2E remains steadfast in its mission to enhance the youth employment and training landscape, emphasizing the strengthening of their position in the labour market. In this pursuit, the E2E organized a focused study trip to Portugal for representatives from the Ministry for Labour, Employment, and Veteran and Social Affairs, along with the National Employment Service.

From November 6th to 9th, 2023, the Serbian delegation explored the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training in Lisbon, gaining insights into Portugal's successful implementation of the Youth Guarantee program. The visit included an examination of active employment measures, professional training models for both youth and adult jobseekers, and on-the-ground experiences at local employment centers and vocational training facilities in cities like Loures and Alverca.

Of particular interest to the Serbian delegation was the information on an online platform for youth registration in the Youth Guarantee, strategies for reaching those outside the system, and the challenges Portugal faces in implementing of the current Youth Guarantee scheme.

Facilitated a regional meeting for strengthening the “Local employment policy – partnerships based on community needs “

Within the E2E policy support, on 28th and 29th September the E2E hosted in the “Sloboda Hotel” from ?abac a regional meeting to improve the “Local employment policy planning” which are based on community needs and joint partnerships. The exchange was organised by the Ministry for Labour, Employment, and Veteran and Social Affairs, in cooperation with the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities/SCTM and the E2E project. At this meeting, the representatives of relevant institutions, experts, and the representatives of the local self-government`s units, talked about the importance of intersectoral cooperation in the creation of employment policies on both levels, national and local, and the partnerships which would support the needs of local communities.

E2E drives impactful youth employment policies in Serbia

As part of its commitment to strengthening youth employment policies in Serbia, the E2E in collaboration with the Centre for Dignified Work, presented the findings of the ex-post and ex-ante impact analyses of the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance at the Zira Hotel in Belgrade on 19th of July. The ex-post analysis assessed the impact of the law since its enactment in 2009, while the ex-ante analysis identified future challenges, goals, and opportunities for improvement in the legal framework. These analyses served as a strategic guide for developing a future legal framework focused on more effective labor markets, with further development slated in the coming period.

The presentation welcomed representatives from the Ministry for Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, responsible for the Employment Law, and the E2E project, which will continue supporting the ministry in improvement the strategic and legal framework for the employment policy. The active participation from the National Employment Service, the National Secretariat for Public Policies, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the National Statistical Office, the Serbian Union of Employers, and representatives of the donor community, including SDC, GIZ, Danish Refugee Council, NALED, employment agencies, and EPCO consultancy was astonishing and promising that the future Employment Law will stand on a broad stakeholder consensus.

Facilitated first meeting of the Working Group for development and monitoring the Action Plan 2024-2026 for the implementation of the Employment Strategy 2021-2026

In July 2023 the MoLEVSA formed the Working Group for development and monitoring the Action Plan 2024-2026 for the implementation of the Employment Strategy 2021-2026. The first meeting of the WG was held in Belgrade, on 27th November where Draft AP 2024-2026 was presented and discussed, together with the findings of the E2E supported Evaluation of the ALMM – Subsidies for hiring unemployed persons from the hard-to-employ category and the database of the Statistical Office of the RS and the changed methodology of the Labor Force Survey.

E2E continue with the development of the new Occupational Standards

In 2023 E2E continue to support the MoLEVSA in the piloting Draft methodology for the occupational standards development through developing draft occupational standards for up to 20 occupations from the Codebook of Occupations. Based on the Analysis for selecting the occupations for which standards will be developed and inputs from the education and business sectors (DENQF, AoQ, CCS), the occupational standards was developed for the occupations from IT and Energy sector, and for occupations that are important for implementation of the Youth Guarantee in Serbia: youth worker, employment counsellor, career counselor and expert in career guidance and counselling. In line with the Draft methodology, the expert group was formed and the field research at the selected employers took place from September to the end of December. Draft occupational standards will be completed by the end of March 2024.

Within the process of developing new occupational standards, several meetings were organized, with the representatives of the education and business sectors (DENQF, AoQ, CCS), as well as expert group meetings.

E2E drives evidence-based youth employment policies in Serbia

E2E project actively supports the evidence-based development of youth employment policies in Serbia. Serving as a catalyst for positive change, E2E facilitates a policy dialogue among key stakeholders at the national level, advocating for inclusive and sustainable opportunities for youth in the labour market.

This commitment was evident in the latest meeting of the Working Group for monitoring the implementation of the Employment Strategy of the Republic of Serbia 2021–2026 and the Action Plan 2021–2023. Hosted in ?abac on April 24-25, 2023, the gathering brought together representatives from relevant ministries and institutions. Day one included presentations on the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the period from 2021 to 2023 - for the year 2022, the results of Local Employment Policy in 2022 and the implementation of the GIZ supported project on piloting innovative solutions for employment . On the second day, the Center for Dignified Work presented key findings from the? ex-post analysis? of the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance. This collaborative effort was done with the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans, and Social Affairs supported by the E2E project. Additionally, the National Employment Service shared initiatives to enhance its relationship with social partners.

Participants included representatives from the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran, and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National Employment Service, Qualifications Agency, Office for Dual Education and the National Qualifications Framework, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Serbian Association of Employers, Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, United branch unions Nezavisnost, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, GIZ, NIRAS, and the civil society organization Center for Youth Work.

Regional meetings bolster Employment Agencies across Serbia

In collaboration with the " E2E", the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs organized of two meetings with employment agencies. The first meeting was hosted in Belgrade on April 5th, followed by sessions in Ni? on April 12th . The purpose of these gatherings was to inform private employment agencies about their role in the legislative and strategic framework of employment policy, share relevant initiatives, and provide support in overcoming daily challenges. Additionally, two trainings for 18 participants from employment agencies and representatives of MoLEVSA were held in October and Noveber 2023. The training aimed at better understanding of career guidance and counselling service importance, CGC Standards and their implementation in the practice, created many opportunities for sharing and exchange among participants from different regions.

E2E is supporting policy actors in further improvement of CGC eco-system

E2E together with The Qualifications Agency organized two working meeting this year, gathering relevant actors in the field of career guidance and counseling in Serbia. Almost thirty representatives of relevant institutions and organizations in the domain of CGC participated. The goal of the meetings was the further development of the framework for CGC services provision, improvement of quality and the creation of more favorable conditions for the implementation of activities in this area. This was an opportunity to present the results of the research on the competencies of career practitioners, together with the report on the implementation of the CGC Service Standards. These meetings represent a continuation of the commitment to the development of quality CGC services and strengthening of cooperation between key actors.

E2E supporting work of Sector Skills Council for ICT

A two-day workshop organized by E2E on the topic "FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS IN ICT SECTOR - EUROPEAN & SWITZERLAND EXPERIENCE" was held n Belgrade on 27th and 28th January. The workshop is held by Dietmar (Didi) Eglseder, Deputy CEO and Head of Higher VET in ICT Berufsbildung, Switzerland's leading institution for ICT skills in vocational education and a Competence center for ICT education in vocational training and in digitization projects.

During these two days, participants had the opportunity to hear more about the development of qualifications needed in the ICT sector in Switzerland and European countries, which can be applied and adapted to the domestic market.

The participants of the workshop were representatives of: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs,? Ministry of Tourism and Youth, Ministry of Information and Telecommunications, Office for Dual Education and NQF, Council for Vocational Education and Adult Education, Sector Skills Council for ICT, Qualifications Agency, the Confederation of Free Trade Unions, the Institute for Improvement of Education, the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and representative associations of employers, the National Employment Service, the Institute for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education and Training, the Swiss Development Cooperation, the Digital Serbia Initiative, the ICT Network Cluster, the ICT Cluster of Central Serbia and others.

E2E supporting development of Quality Assurance system in non-formal education

As part of the support provided by the Education to Employment-E2E project to the Ministry of Education and the Qualifications Agency, two 2-day trainings for self-evaluation of the quality of work of publicly recognized organizers of adult education activities (JPOA) were organized in Belgrade.

Representatives of accredited JPOA, the Ministry of Education and the Qualifications Agency took part in those trainings. In the meantime, E2E provided support to make this trainingavailable on the Moodleplatform of the Qualification Agency.

The experts of the E2E project prepared two guides - for external evaluation and for self-evaluation of the quality of JPOA's work, which, along with detailed explanations and instructions, can be found on the website of the Qualifications Agency.

E2E provides support for the promotion of the JPOA accreditation process

To further strengthen the system of adult education implemented by other organizations and employers, the AoQ launched a series of promotional events. The National Dialogues are aiming to strengthen the process of accreditation of organizations that implement various activities within the framework of non-formal adult education (such as JPOA trainings or provision of CGC services, etc).

The 3rd national JPOA dialogue was held in Novi Sad, March 23-24, 2023. Representatives of the Government of AP Vojvodina, the city of Novi Sad, the National Employment Service, schools, JPOA and employers from Vojvodina, the Еducation to Employment project, as well as representatives of JPOA from other parts of Serbia, participate in this event During the panel discussion, the challenges and opportunities of JPOA accreditation were discussed and concrete actions points developed.

The 4th ?JPOA national dialogue was held in Vrnja?ka Banja on October 12-13, 2023. This time the focus was on JPOA accreditation of non-formal education and carieer guidance and counseling services in western Serbia but olso in a diferent? regions and to extract tangible lessons learnt.


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