E2E Newsletter - November 2022

E2E Newsletter - November 2022

E2E opened additional three JOB INFO centres in Serbia for young job-seekers

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During October and November, in cooperation with the new local partner organisations -?ENECA,?FORCA?and?Svetlost, the E2E opened three JOB INFO centres (JIC) for young job-seekers.

The JOB INFO centres are career centres that connect at the local level schools, individuals, private sector representatives, and the civil sector in a sustainable and innovative way. JOB INFO centre represents a strong bond between the world of education and the world of work.

The key roles of the JOB INFO centres are to provide schoolchildren, students and the unemployed support services in the process of career development and career planning. The JOB INFO centers are actively promoting e.g. Job Shadowing to show young job-seekers the real work environment and letting young people know what skills are currently required in certain job profiles or occupations. Furthermore, the JOB INFO center provides a variety of personal interest tests and competence assessments, which allows job-seekers to see if their interests are matching with the relevant labour market needs. The modern and improved career guidance and counselling services will prepare young people better for a successful career management and leads to faster employment. Through the set of services and innovative tools applied by educated career practitioners, the JOB INFO centre also helps employers to organize work-based-learning (WBL) training and finding a competent workforce.

The new JICs has been opened in Ni? (with ENECA), Po?ega (with FORCA) and ?abac (with Svetlost). So far, the E2E already established 5 JOB INFO centres in the regions where it’s been present and active for many years: Kragujevac, Pirot, Kru?evac, Knja?evac and Novi Pazar.

Extending the Call for Employers - WBL Training Platform implementation results by now

On April 20th, 2022 in Ni? the E2E launched a New Call for employers “Employees to fit your business” , WBL Training Platform.

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The E2E goal is to improve the position of youth on the Serbian labour market through modernization of youth employment policies and the development of young skilled labour demanded by the private sector.

The E2E supports Work-Based Learning (WBL) opportunities for young job-seekers from selected regions of Central-South Serbia. To better match private sector needs with labour supply, it cooperates with 8 local partners (called “brokers”) from Kragujevac, Knja?evac, Pirot, Kru?evac , Ni?, ?abac and Po?ega. Brokers are facilitating the WBL programs and offer career guidance and matching services for youth and companies through the JOB INFO centres.

Until now, the E2E succeeded through the implementation of the?Call for Employers?to preliminary approve 40 WBL trainings in 35 Companies with a total of 456 future trainees. Currently 18 WBL programs are in implementation phase in 13 companies with 55 trainees, and one company even finished the 1st training for 10 trainees, whereas 8 trainees received direct employment afterwards.

So far, the E2E allocated financially 48.9 Mio RSD, whereas companies participate with 52.6 Mio RSD co-financing, while local self-governments are chipping in with 1.5 Mio RSD.

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Due to increased interest and the uncertainty caused by the impact of the Ukraine war and energy crisis, the Call will be extended until the 20th of April 2023, and we are welcoming companies to apply through our 8 local partners/broker/JOB INFO centers.

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The main purpose of the Call for Employers is to provide technical and financial assistance to private sector employers in need of competent labour force, through the organization of various work-based learning opportunities via the WBL Training Platform for current or future job-seekers, mainly focusing on youth under 30 years of age, but not excluding other potential participants, particularly from vulnerable groups. The E2E promotes decent work and will incentivize particularly employers who offer employment contract to trainees.

E2E shows WBL practice on regional workshops organized by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SKGO)

Regional workshops organized by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SKGO), in Belgrade and Ni? included presentations of the?E2E Education to Employment?project’s activities and results gained after four rounds of WBL Trainings Calls, which are creating the prerequisites for faster employment of young people in Serbia.

Representatives of Local Self-Government (LSG) units, members of SKGO, had the opportunity to get familiar with the WBL Training Platform which has been contextualized to the Serbian labour market needs. The goal of such hands-on trainings is to support youngsters in the transition process from the educational system towards direct employment via local solutions facilitated by 8 Job Info Centers. E2E partners called "brokers" are closely working with private sector companies and NES branch offices to facilitate trainings for youngsters out of which 71% found direct employment after the training finished.

The SKGO workshop was aimed to support LSGs in the process of developing local planning documents in line with the Law on the planning system, especially in the field of employment.?The E2E inputs served as an inspiration to consider the WBL Training Platform and JOB INFO Centres as a reliable and proven way of fostering youth employment at the local level that can find their place in Local Employment Action Plans - LEAPs. The workshop was realized within the project "Institutional support to SKGO - third phase" supported by the Swiss Government.

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First National Dialogue of JPOA providers supported by E2E

With the support of the "Education to Employment" (E2E) project, the Agency of Qualifications organized the First National Dialogue of JPOA (Publicly Recognized Training Providers), other relevant organizations and companies in Nis, 3-4 November 2022.

Over the course of two days, representatives of the Agency of Qualifications presented novelties in the JPOA accreditation process for professional training, but also for the provision of Career Guidance and Counselling services.

The panel discussion that was part of this event was an opportunity to exchange work experiences, as well as to present the challenges faced by different JPOA providers in the country.

The meeting was attended by more than 70 representatives of JPOA, the private sector, the National Employment Services, the Ministry of Education, the Agency of Qualifications and the E2E project.

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New Occupational - WBL videos with Social Media Influencer & Actor Luka Raco

In order to raise awareness and promote modern occupations amongst young jobseekers visiting the JOB INFO centre, the E2E continued to create new occupational videos with its social media influencer and actor Luka Raco.

Additional 8 new videos are planned, out of which two are already finished for the following occupations: 1. Railway Elevator manufacturer within IME-Autolift Company and 2. Operator in the furniture production within Jelofina Company from Kragujevac.

Attractive short video formats are the most popular marketing tool among the younger generation, where social media channels are frequently used via Smartphones. Therefore well-developed condensed video marketing is a powerful and modern way for branding a company or an occupation and to spread its message in a way that is easily accessible to a larger audience.

Next to modern occupational videos, the E2E also prepared short versions out of our existing occupational WBL videos to use for Instagram stories and Reels, FB stories, YouTube shorts and TikTok in order to reach the attention of a broader younger generation.

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New CGC tool developed withing E2E - WBL postcards

As continues improvement of the JOB INFO centre service portfolio a new CGC tool - WBL postcards, was created in an interactive way, to provide additional career info on specific occupations/trainings for work-based learnings. Cards offer description of the training, positive and negative characteristics, requirements and future career path. Each occupational postcard has unique QR code which leads to an online page, where additional info such as detailed descriptions, further video, requirement of the specific profile can be further studied. In this interactive way young people can become even more familiar with certain occupations/work-based learning trainings and make informed career decisions.

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