E2: Electrification and it's challenges
Good afternoon, and welcome to E2 of our weekly Auto Updates. This week the Reuters Events team and Europe lead Nabil Awan has been speaking with the industry to identify what OEMs are prioritising when it comes to Electrification. After hours of phone calls, we thought you would like to see a few of the discussions/current challenges that your peers are talking about.
Enabling the Contribution of Electric Vehicles Towards Sustainability: Building an understanding on the underlying layers of how we can maximise the benefits on climate change through the large-scale deployment of Electric Vehicles as well as the potential obstacles we may face.
Developing a Secure, Connected and Efficient Supply Chain: The potential of a Digital Value Chain, flexible logistics for efficient handling and shipping of batteries and new technologies to enhance such operations.
Facilitating the Large-Scale Deployment of Electric Vehicles: The role of the government to accelerate infrastructure, OEM collaboration and standardisation of user EV experience, the technology possibilities such as the integration of new payment methods, transfer of customer data and charger location maps.
What does the ideal regulatory framework look like? OEMs and lawmakers must take a key step towards delivering transparency and clarity on both sides as we look to enable the smooth transition towards Electric Vehicles.
Producing Affordable Electric Vehicles: How OEMs are looking to create affordable solutions, is there scope for more OEM collaboration to drive down costs? And do Chinese OEMs threaten the European market with cheaper alternatives? ?
Optimising the Life Cycle of Electric Vehicle Batteries: Using batteries to control cost pressure, faster replacement of batteries, cost-effective recycling methods, reducing production cost of batteries, lithium-ion alternatives.?
This research was conducted ahead of Reuters Events: Automotive Europe (16-17 May, 2023, Munich, Germany). Automotive Europe 2023 is Reuters Events’ European flagship event that unites CEOs and board members from leading OEMs to take to the stage where they will set the European automotive agenda for years to come.
Led by industry research, this two-day event has been carefully curated to address the most critical automotive issues in Europe.