If you’ve been a follower of this blog for the last 300 weeks, you will know one thing for sure – that this blog is always written from my higher self to my regular Lisa self – the person at the keyboard typing away.
It’s always a love letter to help guide me as I journey through all the things life is bringing before me.
Right now, it’s expansion.
I was re-reading the highlighted parts of The Abundance Book this morning, by John Randolf Price, and being reminded of this:
When you are sitting in a place of scarcity or lack – which let’s be honest, creeps in from time to time – that is when you are not connected to source and relying on your all sufficiency from the ALL SUFFICIENT ONE, God.
Depending too much on yourself.
That is a money block.
That is one way you may be cutting yourself off from tapping into your abundance.
I’m growing my business and expanding it right now as we speak in big ways, but it’s totally draining to say the least, and MANY times I seriously wonder, is this worth it?!
But here’s the thing.
The ONLY reason it’s so draining, and the reason your life could feel so draining, instead of life giving, is because you ARE CUT OFF FROM YOUR SOURCE and trying to do all the things yourself.
And, no this isn’t a reminder on delegation – because you can ask anyone – I’m the QUEEN of DELEGATION!!
Trust me, I delegate everything from my eyelashes to my dishes and laundry! I do not do what I feel is not the best use of my time or energy (FYI – there is a secret million dollar lesson in those words!) and I do that well and still getting better at it by the day!
But this is different.
This is more of an energy feeling that my brain has mustered up.
As we know, all the things are truly created in your consciousness.
For the most part, it has nothing to do with your reality – it’s usually all in your head anyways.
We cut off our expansion and tapping into the greatest of desires by not focusing on the ’cause’ of where what we desire is coming from. {Hint: God}
We are so focused on the effect.
We are so focused – and usually miserably so – on the effect that has not materialized in our reality or if it has, it looks nothing like what we wanted in the first place.
That’s because at some point we were severely disconnected from source or from the cause of where all things come from.
Not to mention, that this is all happening up in your noggin all the time.
And we aren’t taking responsibility for all the “less desirable stuff” or crap that is popping up in our lives.
That’s why it’s hard to expand into and bring forth what you know deep down you are here to create and bring into reality.
Can I also say, it’s super fun to see something you’ve dreamt of for so long manifest in reality?!
That’s the vibration and feeling and thoughts you need to keep tuning into again and again and again.
That is how you follow through on expansion.
Keep focused on the good!
Stay in that state of gratitude.
Sure it’s hard.
Last night was hard for me, so I just went to bed and knew it would all be better tomorrow.
Sleep! Sleep is wonderful!
Go to bed and reset.
I give so many of my problems over to my subconscious brain to solve when I’m sleeping – and it truly does!
It’s also part of how you can expand.
Ask more of your higher self!
Ask to see problems in a new light!
The universe wants nothing more than to shift your perspective.
That’s how A Course in Miracles defines of a miracle anyways: a shift of perspective!
I’ll leave you with these words from The Abundance Book and they are a smack in the face most of us need when it comes to why we are blocking the flow of money & good things to us:
“If I say ‘I can’t afford’ something, I am building a ‘can’t afford’ consciousness, and the law will bring more things and experiences into my life that I can’t afford.”
John Randolf Price
What do you keep pushing away from you instead of just allowing it?
Stay in the e x p a n s i o n mindset where anything is possible and dance in that deep knowing joy and trust me on this one….
THAT is how you….
Live Your Legacy!
xx Lisa
PS. If you are ready to dive into all things WEALTH E X P A N S I O N then you need to join me in The Wealth Collective? and start your FREE 30-Day Trial Today!