E-Waste Is A Real Problem

E-Waste Is A Real Problem

The other day our company was performing a cleanout for a client.  During that cleanout we discovered old Ataris, old Commodore 64's, a few Tandy Computers, Old Apple IIE Computers, Some Texas Instrument Computers, etc.  When we asked the client what they were doing with them, they informed us that they had spent a lot of money on them, pointing to an Apple IIE They spent over $1500 on, and they said they could not stand to just throw their money away.   They further went on to explain they figure they will be worth something some day.  Well to make a long story short they had not noticed that the water issues they had in their basement the last winter had caused an E-Waste Soup. all the items had been sitting in water, which was then contaminated by the E-Waste, oil, and other items they stored in their basement. This water then leached back into the ground.  Making any dreams of future value (even though there would never likely be any) disappear as fast as technology changes.

Many consumers and businesses have a similar story.  Those Palm Pilots that were true signs of status in the 1990's and early 2000's quickly gave way to the Sony Clie's and eventually the Dell Axioms that pervaded corporate America.  Eventually those PDA's went the way of your ultra slim high megapixel cameras which ended up in the back of your drawers with your old memory sticks, old laptops, desktops, televisions, etc.  Maybe you even spent money moving these items from house to house or business to business.  From the drawers they went to closets, closets to basements, and maybe even to storage.

As technology advanced so too did your understanding that time and technology had passed your beloved items by.  What was so important to you was also important at the time to the hundreds of millions of other people who bought them, and eventually put them to the backs of their drawers, and maybe now you are coming to the realization that your old technology items only have the value that an item hidden in hundreds of millions of storage items across the country have. 

This is not to say that some of these items are more rare or sought out than others. For example Old Nintendos and their games do have a market. Some Apple Computers, or original efforts by companies that failed to succeed in tech do have buyers, but most of this stuff is just junk.  The problem is, it is highly toxic junk that cannot just be thrown away.

So to add insult to injury, most removal companies want to charge you to remove these items.  So now you get to pay again on these old items.  What about the data that is on them. How can you ensure your company data does not get out there?  How can you ensure that the items are responsibly recycled?  All these concerns are genuine and valid concerns to have.

NHCRS Services LLC can help. We will come to your location at no charge.  We will sort your items and let you know if any have value beyond their recyclable value.  If they do you can sell them or we can sell them for you.  We will recycle all the E-Waste (anything with a plug, battery, solar or other power source) you have at no charge, and even destroy your Hard Drives In Compliance With DOD 5220.20 standards and provide you with a certificate of Hard Drive Destruction At No Charge.  How Do We Do This?  We get paid by manufacturers to collect their old items for recycling, we get grants, other funds and we make money of the recyclable value of the items for their broken down core components.

You get to get rid of items and get to do so at no charge. What could be easier.

Contact us today

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