E Mail vs. Voice Mail
Are we becoming a product of our environment? Many people ask the question should I even bother leaving a voicemail? Most all of my communication is through e-mail now, sadly enough even including cold calling. Since no one takes the time to listen to a voice mail most people at least glantz through their e-mail. But where is the personal interaction? Is it a thing of the past? Its hard to talk with potential clients and get to know them so you can build that all important relationship. We can’t build relationships with e-mail so why not pick up the phone and say hello? Computers and e-mails are making sales an impersonal career. I miss those days of talking with clients about their families, jobs and life dreams. I really got the chance to get to know some great people that way and still enjoy their friendships in my life. I know for me, I want to get to know you!
So let me hear your opinions; Are relationships that start with a phone call more likely to be successful than one started with an e-mail?