E-Lynx Life Science Newsletter July 2022
MJS BioLynx
Providing Canadian Life Science Researchers tools and resources to improve the quality of our lives.
FuGENE??Transfection – Trusted Nucleic Acid Delivery System
We are proud to announce that MJS BioLynx is now an Official Distributor of FuGene products in Canada! FuGENE??Transfection, is a market-leading innovator of nucleic acid delivery solutions. Whether it’s?FuGENE??6,?FuGENE??HD?or more recently,?FuGENE??4K?and?FuGENE??SI, their transfection products have been for over 25 years successfully utilized, published, and trusted by thousands of researchers worldwide.
Click here?for more information.
Click here?to order or request a quote.
MAGBIO – NAP16?:?Automated Magnetic Bead Based Extraction System
The NAP16??is a compact and fully automated magnetic bead based extraction system. Cost effective to use, it can process up to 16 samples in as little as 10 minutes! Fully automate your mixing, bead transfer, washing and elution steps for higher yields and reproducibility compared to manual extraction methods.
Click here?for more information.
Click here?to order or request a quote.
Vector Laboratories – ImmPACT??DAB EqV Peroxidase (HRP) Substrate Kit
Ultra-Sensitive DAB for IHC/ICC/ISH
ImmPACT DAB EqV produces a dark brown reaction product and is?3 to 5 times more sensitive?than the original DAB substrate.?The result is a crisp and intense signal even for weakly expressed antigens
EpiCypher – CUTANA??ChIC/CUT&RUN Kit
Includes all the controls you need for a well-designed publication-quality experiment!
This kit enables streamlined chromatin profiling of histone post-translational modifications (PTM) and chromatin associated proteins while providing increased throughput and reproducibility with multi-channel pipetting.
Click here?for more information.
Click here?to watch the video.
Click here?to order or request a quote.
MJS BioLynx Well Being???
How to Use Mindfulness to Prevent Burnout at Work
"For most professionals, the feeling of burnout is a familiar one.?The energy that once filled your workday slowly trickles away...."
Click here?to read the full article.?(chopra.com)
It's Back! FREE Hydrophobic Barrier/Histology Pens Promotion!
Click here?to order or request a quote.
Click here?to explore what Vector??Laboratories has to offer for your specific research.
NEST Biotechnology – Get FREE Golf Balls with Your Order of NEST Products
Click here?to order or request a quote.
Recording of our Live Demonstration of the Ultraseal? Lite Heat Sealer
Finneran Porvair Ultraseal??Lite is the effortless, lightweight heat sealer designed to tightly seal polypropylene, polyethylene and polystyrene microplates and glass tubes.
Hamilton Storage – LabElite BenchTop Devices Pre-recorded Webinar
Tubes readers, decappers, defroster, 2D coded tubes… In this video learn more about Hamilton Storage solutions for your sample management and automation.
Vector Laboratories – Blocking Guide: Tips & Tricks to Improve Your IHC and IF Staining
When non-specific interactions occur, high background or false-positive results often affect the quality of the final results. Learn how to keep the wrong molecules out of the way in your immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Immunofluorescence (IF) staining.