E-commerce – now and future
We all now live in a digital world where everything is online on the World Wide Web. E-commerce is the biggest part of this online world, where all business and financial transactions are done online through internet. E-commerce has a big and transformational future which we would come to know as the time passes, but we can certainly analyse the trends that could give us the glimpse of future of e-commerce.
Retail sales
E-commerce has altogether reformed the shopping experience of its consumers by selling all the stuff online. Retail industry is revolutionized due to the presence and extensive application of ecommerce. Quite a significant fragment of retail sales are now done online which have affected the brick and mortar sales too and over the years it is predicted that the online sales would take over the brick and mortar to a great extent.
Marketing for e-commerce
For physical stores and point of sales, it is easy to market themselves and their products as consumers can experience the products before buying them. Unlike the physical stores, marketing for online sales is a tough task where content forms the foundation of online marketing. The better, engaging and relevant the content is, greater is the probability of attracting the right consumers. Consumers are looking for information that can satisfy their needs and answers of the questions that they can have about a particular product and services.
International selling – an easier pathway
Due to the blooming ecommerce platform, international presence for many retailer brands have become an easy task. The retailers have been able to penetrate the international market deeper through online presence as compared to the physical presence.
Consumer fragmentation
Consumer fragmentation is the biggest challenge for online sellers and also the biggest scope for them. Due to so many categories of consumers, it is difficult to form a specific target segment, but with so many different intermingled categories, the scope of selling different products and services also increases. It is still a long way for e-commerce players to convert this challenge into an opportunity, but it is certainly visible to be happening sooner or later.
Challenge – mobile market
One other challenge is the extensive usage of mobile platform for online shopping. The issue is that consumers only shop on the mobile and do not really go through the content. Without going through the content, readers and users will not be able to understand the importance and benefits of latest products and services and promoting new products and services hence becomes a challenge.
Global e-commerce market is expanding at a tremendous rate with extensive growth and innovation in both the developed and the developing markets. Businesses and players who are not excelling and competing in the digital platform will end up soon as e-commerce is the only future for all companies across all industry sectors.
The increasing financial value of the global e-commerce market, deeper penetration of mobile and internet penetration is the witness to the upcoming growth and revolution that e-commerce is about to bring on a global scale.
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