E-Commerce has Defined the Future, how will it Change Today?
E-commerce has Defined the Next Generation of Shoppers
E-commerce is an ever growing platform that encompasses a wide variety of industries. E-commerce is able to be tailored to different markets and transaction settings which grant buisnesses the oppurtunity to unify and standardize the process of e-selling and e-buying. While the initial understanding of what e-commerce is may include buying goods online as a consumer, e-commerce has expanded to offer services that sell amongst buinsesses, consumers selling amongst consumers, and even grant consumers the option to sell to buisnesses.
Types of E-Commerce
B2C is the most widely recognized form of e-commerce in the eyes of consumers as it involves buisnesses selling goods or services directly to consumers through online platforms. The most recognized example is Amazon as they offer a wide array of items from toiletries to electronics. The B2C has been a major driver for the ecommerce space as they are able to specify andd personalize reccomendations for each consumer.
B2B e-commerce is the transactions conducted between buisnesses. This type of e-commerce is critical for buisness operations as suppply chain managment is much easier to predict and keep inventory of a variety of good. Alibaba is a key leader in the B2B e-commerce space as the scale at which Alibaba operates is uncomparable to the competition within the market.
C2C e-commercy allows consumer to directly sell to other consumers. This type of e-commerce is incredibly popular as the price set by consumers is generally more "fair" as they tend to sell individual items and do not have the burden of cost managment. EBay has been the forefather of these C2C transactions although Facebook Marketplace has been begun a new rise of C2C transactions. Being able to buy and sell direclty with friends and neighbors through the convinence of social media has allowed the relevance of C2C transactions to flourish and create opputunity for consumers to reduce their enviromental impact through purchasing used goods.
B2A sales are when a buisness is able to secure a contract or service directly to a governement administration. These types of sales are incredibly specalized as the requests from the administrations are required to follow a strict set of laws and regulations. Contracts are offered directly to many businesses in which a bidding process occurs which creates an incredibly competitve market amongst competitors.
E-Commerce Across the World
E-commerce has not only flourished for American buinsesses such as Amazon but has seen success across the world, more specifically in China. Cina has been leading the future of e-commerce through blending both digital and in-person selling platforms. This reinvention of the wheel has allowed for seamless integration amongst online retail platforms and brick and mortar stores. By finding ways to integrate at a large scale new technology such as Augmented Reality and AI powered in store product reccomendations stemming from online shopping, we can see the future of e-commerce is bringing their store to you. This perspective of e-commerce sites creating brick and mortar stores, such as Amazon Go or Alibaba's Freshippo, allows for increased brand trust and long sterm stability from the eyes of the consumer.