E-Commerce in Bangladesh

E-Commerce in Bangladesh

Today’s most powerful change in worldwide business sector is shifting towards e-commerce. Transformation of business world created value addition for customers all over the world and the gap between the producer and consumer has lessen. But what about Bangladesh. A south Asian country with a big population makes a big market for any new business. But are the customers happy with the new way of buying goods?
There are lots of short comings in ecommerce sector of Bangladesh. A surface level research and web surfing expose theses leaks. Let’s talk about them

Technological darkness:

Though the techno revolution is common and worldwide people are experiencing its benefit where are we? Most of the e commerce site lacks of good creative design that attracts consumer. They lack of customer friendly environment. Customized search option are not so helpful. Web sites lack of proper security. Sites are not also compatible with various device. Though some of them are creating apps for better mobile experience but the force is not influencing .True review taking and showcasing them is not in practice. Sites are not design to listen to customer. Big data and social marketing is not also popular. So this emerging and established sector is not winning here.



In simple word e-commerce sites in Bangladesh fails to earn the trust of customer. The quality of product is not ensured. There is lack of warranties. Certification and verification of goods and vendor are highly absent in sites. People are always in doubt about the product. Incidents like false order and delivery time snatching is also destroying its progress. Second hand products or individual importers fails to ensure their product quality. Where India is focusing on how they can increase value to their e-commerce sites we are still not taking this seriously.


Lack of Brand presence : The local brands are not coming forward to sell their product on web. They are still on traditional way and gap between consumer and producer is still present. Consumers buys product from dealers or distributers where pricing is a matter of doubt for local brands.


Social Media effect: The big young generation is on the Facebook and other social sites. Ecommerce sites fails to gain the fruit of S-media boosting and SEO is poor among them. They can create interesting contents to attract consumers. Engagement is not noticeable in the pages. Review system is not properly practiced there. Irritating false comments is found on the pages that are not regularly monitored. If someone ask for information he is not served quickly. Social media Helpline should be managed by a representative to increase good experiences. Sites should seek for authentic reviews from their customer and market it for benefit. Bad reviews should be handled properly.


There are lots of small and big issues there but to make it precise I tried to discuss them in four categories.


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