Covid – 19 was a shock to mankind, but a grace to Mother Earth. Humanity collapsed, and nature rose…Mankind was forced to stay indoors after going through decades of globalisation, commercialisation and more. The shock and the fear resulting from the pandemic shook the earth, unprecedented in the history of mankind. Yet the ‘Phoenix’ was preparing to rise…
Businesses collapsed, industries shut and millions lost their jobs. In the middle of all this, the e-commerce sector rose like a ‘Phoenix’. The pandemic created a huge demand in the market, that was being catered to by the e-commerce sector. According to a study, the Indian e-commerce sector is set to grow at least 80% in the next 4 years, the impact brought on by Covid-19.
E-commerce sector was flourishing even before the pandemic, however there is a need to relook at the business strategies for the sector after covid-19. The tectonic shift in this sector has also called for some major changes in the way businesses operate. Some of the strategies, that are in line with sustainability that need to be adopted are mentioned below:
- Sustainability the big way – There is a need to ‘introduce ‘sustainability’ as a business strategy by all firms irrespective of their industry. E-commerce firms definitely need to focus on ‘sustainable’ products. Any product/service that is in alignment with nature would be the need of the hour. Sustainability, in all forms – business models to packaging products has become increasingly important after the pandemic has hit almost every family living on earth. Promoting and selling ecological products will nourish Mother Earth and go a long way! Consumers’ approach towards health and wellness will lead to them preferring sustainable products over others.
- Leaders as ‘Compassionate Mothers’ –? Taking cues from Mother Earth who always nurtures its people, leaders also need to reshape their personalities, and play the role of compassionate mothers in the lives of their teams/ people. The leaders must create a ‘trusting & transparent’ environment, ensuring there is trust amongst teams. Trust,? during these times can be one of the ‘winning’ strategies. In times of uncertainty it’s very obvious for ‘people’ to feel lost and unmotivated. Along with this, if the organisation doesn’t trust them their mental health and immunity can be compromised.
- Empathy as a strategy – 90% of those who are working from home are doing it for the first time. While the leaders/ bosses may get insecure about their ‘people’ it is not the right time to display such insecurity. They are struggling with the ‘perfect’ phone/ internet connection (*pun intended). Or they may be trying to help their mothers/ wives in wrapping up a household which has mounted a double fold in the absence of the household help or they may be trying to soothe a restless child who is frustrated being home. Organisations need to ensure an ‘empathetic’ view towards the employees. The more empathy that’s shown towards ‘people’ at this stage will ensure they stay performing in these times. Isn’t ‘performance’ that one thing the organisation is expecting from its people?
- Dynamic & Sturdy Logistics – While e-commerce is progressing at the speed of lightning, those cardboard boxes and plastic packaging are creating tons of waste that end up in landfills worldwide annually. The e-commerce firms need to revamp their logistics system, making it dynamic, sturdy and eco-friendly. Organisations need to give their packaging a complete makeover, and source sustainable and ecological packaging materials.
- Eco-friendly approaches in the supply chain – Organisations need to adopt eco-friendly approaches in all areas of business, including supply chain. Using materials that are recyclable, implementing processes that are sustainable will help the organisations contribute to a happy and healthy planet.
- Make shipping environment friendly – Developing an environment friendly shipping solution for transporting goods will help the firms stand for ‘environment’. Firms must educate and convince the consumers to even pay extra for environment friendly shipping cost.
- Optimisation of Waste Management – E-commerce firms need to optimise their waste management, and eliminate the packaging waste. ‘ Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ mantra needs to be followed by one and all.?
Our planet needs our attention and care, since today’s world is dominated by businesses they can be the change makers! Changing the way business operates, the way employees are treated, the way nature is preserved. E-commerce, the Phoenix, has disrupted the way people shop, eat, travel and live. Am sure, it can also change the way our planet feels