Hey everyone,
This week, the Fatherhood Files are taking a wild detour because, well, the Super Bowl is upon us, and our home has unofficially become the Eagles' fan zone. Between the green and silver decorations that might have accidentally turned our living room into a mini-Lincoln Financial Field, and me trying to explain to Amelia why everyone is doing the "E-A-G-L-E-S" chant!
We been so busy teaching Amelia how to high-five for every Eagles' touchdown (which she's mistaking for clapping for her own amusement), that I haven't had time to pen down our usual fatherhood musings. Plus, there's the matter of game-day snacks that have escalated from simple chips to a culinary touchdown of their own. I swear, if we win, I'm expecting Amelia's first word to be "Eagles" instead of "Dada."
So, instead of our deep dive into fatherhood's nitty-gritty, this week, we're all about the Super Bowl spirit. We're hoping for a victory that'll make the whole city soar - and maybe give me a moment to catch my breath.
Normal blogging will resume next week, but for now, let's keep those wings up high and hope for a win that'll have us all shouting "Fly Eagles Fly!" until our voices give out.
Until then, Fly Eagles Fly!