yippe we got a letter of approval from a summer client !!!wow made us feel all mushy here read this and feel the hug with us all at THP! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have desided to share with others how samuel farmer and the hope proiect helped me over resent months and how it has benefited me in my situation. I have for many years suffered from sevear depression and from illnesses that have affected my bowl i have been on disability benefits for many years I have and reseeved no practal assistance or help. when the government changed the benefit system and the disability and sickness benefits which have now. on at least three occassions been show to be in breach of the human rights act for amongst other things discriminating against against the metally ill. My money was stopped with out any explanation luckly at that time there was a council welfare rights officer who agreed to fight my case, he contacted the dla discover the reason and agreed to fight the case he went to the apeal with me which was a court case I had to appear before a judge and a doctor who had no knowledge of metal health or relivent qualifiation we won the case and I was put on the lowest benefit level. Without his help I would like many of my pear grope I am in my sixties have taken my life, i was ill confused and in truth neither understood what was going on. There nolonger any council welfare workers working for the council because I was on the the lowest benefit with no assistance I went in to both council tax and housing benefits arears and lived in what can only be discribe as severe poverty I could not even aford to eat a reasonable diet, which made both my metal health and bowl condition worse. Then I recieved a form from the DLA well a book Questionare I was asked to explain why I was on the sick and why I was claiming no were in the form was there any were that delt with metal illness or my situation, it worked on some point system I filled it in as best I could and sent it back. And then my money was stopped again without any reason or explanation I was threated with eviction by the council housing benefit was stopped and council tax asistance was also stopped. I had no idea what to do or why it had happened and again I felt hopeless and death seemed the only way out. Luckly I met Sam and was introduced to the hope project, he took my case on. He helped me deal with the DLA and put the appeal in for me he attended the appear with me attended the two medical exams and thanks to him I am now in reseat of ESA and PIP which have transformed my life, I am nolonger in debt the threates of eviction are over, I have enough money to visit members of my family my enforced isolation is over and I can eat a good balanced diet which greatly assists in leviating my bowl disorder. I have nothing but gratitute for Sam and the project, he can not cure depression or bowl disease, but I can say they saved my life and have transformed the quoity of that life thank you Sam in a world were know one cares and less their payed to you bring hope and a breath of fresh air, thank you.