Dyslexia's SUPERPOWER unlocked?

Dyslexia's SUPERPOWER unlocked?

How to Unlock Dyslexia's SUPERPOWER & Why Should You Care?

  • Neural plasticity means new wiring or communication within the brain's neurons are leading to new skills within the person.
New Learning Happens in the Brain
IF you know how the brain works, then you CAN "unleash" this Dyslexia SUPERPOWER
  • Experiences that are scientifically based can help guarantee better outcomes
  • Better outcomes means greater chances of new and long-lasting wiring, communication, & skills in the brain.
  • New & long-lasting wiring/communication system within the brain IS Dyslexia's SUPERPOWER!
What is the "FRIEND" of Neural Plasticity or the "FRIEND" of New Learning?
  1. Frequent Instruction - minimum of 45 minutes per day
  2. REALLY Intensive Instruction - EVERY day, 5-days per week
  3. Instruction is Generalized - teach how to use new skills in real life activities
  4. Evidence-based & Highly-Effective Instruction - professional research shows program REALLY works well and HOW to provide the instruction
  5. Neurodevelopmental Instruction - basic skills are trained first, then mid-level, then advanced skills are trained
  6. Duration of Instruction Occurs Until Automaticity - enough months of "Friends" 1 through 5 above is provided until the brain learns to do this skill nearly effortlessly - like when you learned how to drive a car, it took ALL of your attention/focus and now you drive the car with much ease and are more on autopilot when driving, maybe even too much autopilot!
New learning is facilitated by "FRIEND" experiences
This TEDx Talk explains more about the brain's wiring and how it changes when an evidence-based & highly-effective program and other FRIEND's of new learning are used to unlock Dyslexia's true SUPERPOWER!


Tim Conway, PhD的更多文章

