Dysfunctional Networks Must Be Avoided
Function of The Network:
The functions of networking systems are very often not clear to the individual within these social organs. This leaves the door open for speculation, false hope, misguided actions and mass frustration within the network. Networking systems that are designed to be healthy and productive must strive to avoid this by every means possible. Failing to, will ultimately lead to the collapse of promising social organs.
The individual and the collective stakeholders within network / social systems must strive at all times to have a clear and fully developed understanding of the functionalities of the particular network that they are a part of. You must never limit your knowledge to merely knowing that the network exists and that you are a part of it. It is smart thinking, if the specific function (s) of the social system and its intended benefits to its memberships is known and fully interpreted. This knowledge must be clear to everyone before joining or attempting to function within the network.
Network systems that are healthy normally have a positive influence on the lives of its members. Healthy, productive networks, as proposed by the author must have developmental impact on the lives of all of its stakeholders. It must influence their lives based on its intended objectives whether it has a social, economic, political or cultural agenda. It must work in the interest of the collective rather than the individual or the selective few.
Healthy and productive social organs are built on proper culture of management. This culture enables these institutions to organize around a concept to advance a process of development in commerce and trade and virtually any and every area of life. The following are some essential management best practices that must be considered in any attempt to move a process of development forward,
Practical Management Model:
1) Developing Clear Goals & Planning: Every organization must be able to determine its purpose and develop its plan of action that enables it to realize it purpose (s). This stage of the development process is very important and must never be put off or dismissed as being trivial. This process entails developing the blue print or the strategy document that maps a process of development for the institution. It is virtually the “Visualization Board” that gives direction to the realization of the future goal of the organization.
2) Identify & Integrate Resources To Achieve The Plan (s): The organization leaders have important roles and responsibilities to play at this stage of the management process: They are expected to allocate the best human capital for the job, identify and exploit financial and technical resources to move the process of development forward. It is important to address these issues before the project gets started.
3) Applying The Power Of Influence With Your Team: The project manager has to be someone who can communicate effectively and motivate his team throughout the life cycle of the project. In addition to this the details of the project must be completely known to him allowing him to clearly direct the actions of the team members in alignment with the project objectives or completion criteria.
4) Develop Integrated Management Systems: The project manager in his understanding of the nature and scope of the project and in his understanding of the human strengths and characteristics necessary to move the project successfully forward, now has the responsibility to match all tasks to talents and coordinate all activities in a manner that complements the project completion criteria. The ability to coordinate the project activities will influence the project cost, project quality, project integrity and the monitoring and control of the project. All project activities must be rolled out in accordance with the established work breakdown structure (WBS).
5) Control The Project Activities In Alignment With Completion Criteria’s: The project manager at this stage of the project must assume complete responsibility for the project and how it is perceived by both its internal and external stakeholders. Every area of the project must be known: Every area of the project must be monitored & Every area of the project must be controlled. Configuration management must be applied where necessary to ensure that the project complies with the project cost, project scope, maintain its integrity and reach the expectations of its stakeholders. The project manager must have a system of management that allows him to monitor and evaluate project tasks in a timely manner and also allows him to maintain complete control over the project.
Gary Thompson
Business Development Consultant