

My Mindset Thrive Challenge 47: Dysfunction!


Thank goodness for things that do not work the way we want them to.

Think of all the things that exist in this world, and more specifically, your life, because something pissed you off and you needed to find a way around it.

Relationships…now for many of us, that is a hotbed of dysfunction.

How many folks have perfectly functional families and relationships?

I suspect the percentage is about 3-5%.  I could probably find a statistic for it, but since statistics are pretty much made up (and also dysfunctional), why would I spend any time doing that?

Businesses…would there be any if there was not some problem or dysfunction solution that people are willing to pay for the resolution to?  I do not think so.  The reason businesses exist is to provide solutions to people’s problems—this includes making their lives easier in any way.  Easier may just mean happier or ‘more of’ something people want (like popularity, communication, material things).

Life experiences…how many of us have done everything perfectly the first time? If we did not ‘fail’ at trying to walk the first time, we would not keep trying until we did walk.  If the first person we loved was not the true love of our life and that experience had not ended, we would not have loved again…and we do. 

Self-perception…does anyone really have a clear picture of who they are and what they look like?  Ego, judgement (self and others), misconceptions are nearly universally dysfunctional…just look at all the illnesses and diseases (including unhealthy weights—high or low) to see evidence of this.

Dysfunctional self-view…judgement, unworthiness, doubt, fear, worry or any other thing that causes us to doubt us or our ability to create the life we desire…is the biggest dysfunction of all!

If you do not believe me, do this exercise: 

  • Look in the mirror.
  • Look yourself in the eyes.
  • Pay attention to how long you can look at yourself before looking away.
  • What is your inner voice saying to you?
  • Now, look back into your eyes and say, “I unconditionally love myself, right now.”
  • Repeat the above questions…

It is possible to be grateful for almost anything—even dysfunction. 

Chalk this up to perception. 

We do see what we want to see…and we all see things differently. 

A butterfly, one of the most beautiful things in nature (subjective, but many think it is so), can not see its’ own wings. Others know they are beautiful, but they just BE themselves, without ever knowing. 

Because…it really does not matter.  Anything judged by others, is irrelevant.  Only what it is and does matters to it. 

The same is true for us humans.  We just think what others think, say, believe about us is important.

It is NOT. 

All it means, is what we allow it to mean.

The only way it impacts us, it how we let it.

That is a huge dysfunction.

Perhaps the second greatest of all:  allowing what others think and do to impact us in any way that is not in our own best interest.

What other folks do, think, say…is their business/dysfunction/problem/responsibility…not yours…EVER!

How much of our time and lives is spent being someone or something other than who we truly are? 

I did the math at work one day.  Just a rough estimate, but there were entire decades that I spent less than 5% of ALL my time, being ME.

That is dysfunctional.

That is sad.

That WAS my choice.

Like everything, we have a choice.  We can change anything in an instant. 

Just as life can end in a moment, its’ direction can be changed with one decision.

Most of our lives are altered one decision at a time.

Choose to live a more functional life.


Grab a piece of paper.

Draw a line down the middle.

Label the column on the left “Dysfunction (What is not working or anything you are dissatisfied with).

Label the column on the right “Function (What I want)

Just start listing things.

Which column are you able to fill up faster/easier? Most folks can zip through the list of things they do not want and fill that column up.

Tip:  If you have a bit of trouble knowing what you want (lots of people do, specifically), list the opposite of the dysfunctional thing you listed.

For example:

Dysfunction                                                         Function

Mess, disorganized house                                    Clean, organized house

Not enough help                                                    Hire/find/ask for help

Finances                                                                  Create alternate sources of income                                                                                     Reduce expenses

Overweight                                                              Better eating choices
                                                                                    Increase activity

_______________________                       ____________________


Simple tools and exercises are wonderful. 

They create thought, which encourages action.

Just give this little one a go.

What have you got to gain???

What dysfunctions could you let go?

It is entirely up to you…

Be Loving. Love Being. Be YOU!
Because YOU Deserve To THRIVE!

https://wp.me/p36Yz1-14u My Mindset Thrive Challenge 47: Dysfunction!  Be Loving.  Love Being.  Be YOU!  https://bemeiamit.com/oneness  Because YOU Deserve To THRIVE!

If you are curious, I just put my first book up on Kindle…it is a success tool I created following my sudden cardiac arrest and continue to use today.  I felt it was time I shared it! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01807AZR2  Link to get my Flip Book on Amazon


