Dyscalculia? Maths Learning Difficulties?
Low cost Maths Tutorials on the Net
The Steve Chinn www.mathsexplained.co.uk approach.
Poor levels of numeracy are a problem in many countries.
Children give up on mathematics far too young, often at around 7 years old.
So, how can the Maths Explained video tutorials help?
1. They are not judgemental. The voice does not get irritated no matter how often you watch a topic.
2. You can control the pace of learning and you can revisit a topic whenever you choose and as often as you choose. The videos do not say, ‘I have told you that three times already!’
3. They are not age specific in design. Older learners and adults will not feel patronised by the ‘look’ of the visual images used.
4. The content is constructed to help understanding, so that a reliance on simply remembering is heavily reduced. It’s about giving reasons for ‘Why?’ rather than just ‘Remember this. Chant the information until it sticks in your brain.’
5. It uses the maths you can learn to work out the maths that is harder to learn. For example, most people can cope with facts based around 1 ,2, 5, 10, 20 and so on, so Maths Explained uses these to access other facts and procedures (see the sample video on the Basic Facts Tutorials page).
6. It makes extensive use of carefully chosen visual images to help develop understanding and concepts.
7. Maths builds. Concepts develop, so understanding must be there from the beginning. Maths Explained builds, for example, the early algebra tutorial uses a number fact for ten, 7 + 3 = 10 as a starting point.
8. There are worksheets with two versions for each topic, so that progress can be measured. The worksheets use the accessible number facts so that they are focusing on the concept and not letting number fact recall be a barrier.
9. The visuals often reflect apparatus that is used to demonstrate maths concepts. These include base ten blocks. This helps a tutor or parent to demonstrate the visuals in a kinaesthetic way.
10. It encourages learners to think about what they are learning and ask ‘Why?’ thus developing flexible meta-cognitive skills.