Dynamic workplace communication
Campbell Hepburn
Optimisation through people - Executive Search / Capability Development
We are communicating consciously and unconsciously all the time, reflecting on how we are communicating, being aware of how others are communicating and the implication of our own communication is powerful
I found myself unexpectedly drawn to a carver today. Was an interesting situation for me as I reflected upon language and communication. Part of my work has an emphasis on communication and therefore language.
It is Te Wiki o te Reo Maori or Maori Language Week here in Aotearoa / New Zealand.
I was visiting a work place today and happened across a live carving (whakairo) demonstration. There was an open invitation to staff to drop by and interact with the carver (Tohunga Whakairo) and his supporting family (whanau). My initial thoughts were how cool is this!
This situation emphasised some of what I engage people on and that is that communication and therefore language transcends speaking or verbal and into our actions, behaviours and other areas like how we dress and the creation of artifacts.
Tohunga Whakairo (carvers) are communicators expressing through their craft. In Maori culture they are revered as it believed the gods communicate through them and their whakairo (carving). I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be present to this in doing my work today.
With significant current emphasis on workplace diversity and inclusion it was great to see cultural inclusion and multiple forms of communication in action. I found myself not only drawn to the Tohunga Whakairo (carver) and what he and his family (whanau) were communicating but to the audience who were observing and how they were interacting, how they were dressed, how they were engaging and communicating.
New Zealand is a great place to live and work, we are on a journey of respect and acceptance and are encouraged to be and share ourselves, our cultural and our diversity.
We are communicating consciously and unconsciously all the time, reflecting on how we are communicating, being aware of how others are communicating and the implication of our own communication is powerful, bringing more consciousness into our communication and our intent may contribute to a better work environment that support others feeling more acceptance and inclusion.
#communicaton #tereomaori #whakairo #tohungawhakairo #diversity #inclusion