Dynamic vs Static Typing

Dynamic typing in programming languages is better than static typing

This statement used to be true for various reasons. It’s not anymore. Let’s dig into why.

Dynamically typed languages and frameworks like Ruby on Rails and LAMP stack blew up in popularity for various reasons. Let’s rewind the clock back a couple decades or so and look at the context.

Software development was dominated by statically typed languages like C++, Java, and C#.

  1. These languages and frameworks had a big learning curve
  2. Code was very verbose because of the ceremony of type definitions
  3. Required expensive specialized tooling that shipped in physical CDs
  4. IDEs were very slow and buggy, especially on older hardware
  5. Feedback loop was slow because of long compilation times
  6. Ecosystems were primarily stewarded by corporations and proprietary software
  7. Frameworks were primarily intended for desktop apps, web apps were an afterthought

Ruby on Rails and LAMP stacks were positioned perfectly to sweep and dominate the entire ecosystem at this point.

  1. Languages like Ruby and PHP had a much smaller learning curve
  2. Dynamic nature and syntactic sugar made it quick and fun to program
  3. No specialized tooling was required, fire up notepad and start building your app
  4. No slow and buggy IDEs, you could literally REPL your code into the terminal
  5. No compile step means faster feedback loops, make a change, hit save, refresh the browser
  6. Ecosystems were extremely open source and community driven
  7. The sole purpose was enabling anyone to make web apps, instead of adding web capabilities to an existing stack

I obviously haven’t been around that long, but those who have remember static typing not as it is today, but as it was back then. It was an indicator of ceremony, slow feedback loops, and proprietary dinosaurs.

Static typing has made a major comeback over the last decade, and almost everything that turned people away from them and towards the comfort of PHP and Ruby has been UNO reversed.

  1. Modern static languages like Typescript have ridiculously low learning curves
  2. Type inference takes out 95% of the ceremony and terse syntax
  3. The most powerful tools also happen to be open source and very well documented
  4. Advancements in hardware and optimization techniques have made IDEs extremely snappy
  5. Compilations are ridiculously quick, especially if the compiler knows the data types beforehand
  6. Even the big bad Microsoft has completely turned around and committed to open source
  7. Typescript is not the only static language with an ecosystem primarily geared towards web development

The factors that blew up Rails and LAMP in popularity are now the same factors that favor ecosystems that offer complete type safety. Dynamic typing has become, to put it strongly, obsolete. They are artifacts of the past.

Yes you can use dynamically typed languages to build real systems for scale. But you will pay the cost of maintenance, performance, and scalability, and eventually will have to rebuild using infrastructure that offers much better guarantees.

Dynamically typed languages are used not because they are dynamically typed, but because they have specific technical benefits (e.g. Elixir for building distributed systems) or ecosystem benefits (e.g. Python for data science).

Starting off with type-safe languages will give you faster feedback loops, more helpful IDE tools, more freedom to make changes without breaking stuff, and better collaboration through internal contracts and documentation at a very low cost.

“…a couple decades ago…”; “…as it was back then…” — gosh feeling old right now ?? “Modern static languages like Typescript have ridiculously low learning curves” Having onboarded a team of junior to mid engineers onto a typescript app, the learning curve is still as steep as any typed language. And it only gets steeper the greater the complexity of the types required. Simple typing? Sure, easy to execute, but there is still a lot of ceremony. Leveling up engineers to write concrete, meaningful types takes a lot of work and still we know many senior engineers (and typescript fans) vent frustrations. The cost of the path to greatness is a ruin of terrible typing along the way where I’ve seen some applications were better off not typing at all. At the end of the day choosing a language is another technical trade-off like any other, but by no means will dynamic languages be obsolete any time soon. Many of the reasons that made them great choices the first time around are still valid.

Marina Sundstr?m

Software Developer

1 年

It depends on the problem and how you express yourself. Dynamic typing could theoretically motivate you to express intent better - I think. You would think twice before writing. Because of no static type checking. You are not primarily thinking about values that have types, but values that have a meaning.


