The Formidable Four: #1- Synergy.
If you hear that 1 +1 = 3, most of us will turn our faces the other way and perhaps mutter that "it's downright silly".
But, it?
Synergy is defined as two or more acting in a cooperative and collaborative manner which causes the end result to be much more than the summation of the individual parts. Stephen Covey referred to synergy as one of the "7 habits for highly effective people".
Well known examples are:
A movie track with added sound/music bringing life to it with a several fold increase in the?effectiveness and impressions, a solo singer with added orchestration, an impressive coordinated display of a cheer leading squad, medicines?that act together to enhance the effects of each other, a dazzling display of the “Blue Angels”, people working together for a common aim,?team sports and businesses merging together to form a much stronger one.
This can be expressed as an equation:
When there is synergy, X+X =?3X?(the multiple 3 is arbitrary — it can be more or less)?
That begs the question where did the added "X" in the output come from??Suppose we call it the Collective Synergy Factor? —CSF1— for short, then one could rewrite it as?
X+X +(CSF1) = 3X
Collective synergy factor includes that intangible energy around two or more that stimulates and?supplements?each other so that the end productivity is much beyond the obvious summation from each of the individuals. When this component of Collective Synergy Factor is present the end result is much higher; much like the result of 3 people (or systems) working together when in fact there are only 2.
Resultant benefit with CSF can be a multiplied force for production/creation with no other extra effort other than intentionally creating the CSF. The return on the investment is so much more higher for each involved and for the whole team.
In the cited example, when the collective return is tripled, the individual return for each of the 2 is also increased to 1.5 times (3÷2=1?). Returns are huge on productivity, growth, and innovation,?in an enhanced atmosphere of joy and fulfillment, fed back into the system and churning it further.
This is also what we have historically called team work. In general little is known about the details and the crystallized "know-how" of team work other than repeating these on computer screens and slogans echoing in the hallways. It extends beyond oneself. While being personally mindful of doing a good job,?CSF prompts one to look out and care for the needs of the other, for the gain of the team.?Then the net result can be explosive.
This synergy is developed by accepting and practicing various habits and virtues including mutual affirmations, encouragement, care for each other, holding each other up, sharpening each other, mutual respect, setting and working towards common goals.
Such values and attributes would be evident in speech and visible behavior for oneself and others. Such environments are created with intent and deliberation as they just don’t happen by themselves.
So, here's a shout out to CEOs. Have you considered having a Chief Synergy Officer? It would be well worth the effort if his/her department is able to scale the result/production across compartments and silos, without adding other personnel; but instead, taking time to baste the culture with components and elements of the Collective Synergy Factor?.
Cecil Thoppil.
P.S. This article was written without the use of any AI help.
Next up: The Formidable Four :#2 Synchronicity.
Chapter 3:
Synchronicity is defined? historically as? two or more events occurring at the same time ; occurring together in a way that there is a larger? benefit for the whole; in psychology it also refers to similar events occurring together with no obvious cause ( Jung).
Synchronous events while not necessarily at thesame time can be in tandem following one anotand yet locked in.
Let’s look at the human? heart beats.
The 2 upper chambers of the heart ( atria) contract when the 2 lower chambers of the heart ( ventricles) relax and vice versa. (they don’t contract at the same time) The 2 heart beats -Lub, dub-? occur in synchrony, when certain valves close with the first while others open, and then in turn certain others open when the others close. When synchronicity is lost, even for a short time,? heart dysfunctions set in.
The atria and ventricles have different roles and they need to work? synchronously ( and synergistically) for the heart to function well - which is an awesome task to pump blood to the whole body and keep it alive!
So one role although different is equally important as the other ; it cannot occur independently .
One role needs to occur with an awareness and consciousness of the timing and occurrence of that of the other. Therefore as a whole the result is a function that is? simply amazing ! ?
Chapter :4
Collective synchronicity factor:
This implies a function of a group - people or otherwise . It calls for? an awareness of one’s role as well as? the roles of the others and the time and place that we have as individuals in the system.?
When functioning in synchrony we are aware of the “when”, “where” and “how much” .? Individuality is only as? important as how well one functions? in the successful function of the collective whole.
Here again when individuals and systems function synchronously ,
X + Y is not equal to XY
X + Y + ( CSF) = 5XY
Chapter 5:
Absence of collective? synergy and/or synchronicity.
So far we’ve talked about presence of collective synergy and synchronicity. Let’s look at the absence of synergy and synchronicity.?
X+X ( -CSF) = X
X = X/2 = 0.5
X + Y - (CSF ) = XY div by 2
Therefore in the absence of Collective Synergy/synchronicity factor the result? can be is less than the summation of the individual productivity/creativity.
In the absence of affirmations, respect, ( in a? neutral environment ) there can be the lack of stimulation of each individual/systems and therefore the output can be one of mediocrity and not to the full potential.
Chapter 6:
Presence of Dysergy or Asynchronicity
CDF - Collective Dysergy Factor
CAF = Collective Asynchronicity Factor
x + x + ( CDF) =? (-) 5x
x + y + ( CAF) =? (-) 5xy
The resultant productivity is abysmally low or even counterproductive to destructive, both for themselves and? for the whole enterprise. Errors, mistakes and harm can result.
This occurs? when there are toxic factors in the environment? as people/systems are pulling in opposite directions and pulling each other down.
The focus is only on individuality and not outside oneself.?
Chapter 7.
Therefore the Spectrum includes:
1)Presence of Collective Synergy/Synchronicity Factor
2)Absence of Collective Synergy/Synchronicity Factor
3)Presence of Collective Dysergy/Asynchronicity Factor.
Which one would you choose to accept and?
X+X? (+ CSF ) = 5X
X = 5 ÷ 2 = 2.5
Resultant benefit with CSF for each can be a multip
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