The dynamic power of confidence
Olga Vashchenko
Digital Marketing and Communications | Data-Driven Marketing | Customer Behavior Analysis
As a newcomer to Canada, I enrolled in an amazing program offered by YWCA Metro Vancouver, designed to help new immigrants understand the culture, build careers, establish connections, and adapt more quickly. This program provided invaluable guidance, motivation, and a confidence boost.
This article is the result of my small research on understanding what confidence is about, the role our brain plays in confidence-building, and what confidence-boosting practices can help us in our journey toward our dream life.
Why confidence? Because, for me, confidence is one of the most powerful and mysterious feelings that can transform our lives and turn our dreams into reality. This feeling plays a significant role in our emotional well-being and can impact various aspects of our lives.
So, what is confidence?
You can understand this word through the meanings of assurance, certainty, belief, courage, faith, determination, and perhaps ten more.
Confidence comes from the Latin word fidere, which means 'to trust.'
It represents full trust or belief in the reliability of someone or something.
Having confidence allows us to take on new challenges and opportunities, make decisions, and express ourselves. Having a strong sense of confidence helps us stay motivated and create meaningful connections.
In psychology, there are two main subsets of confidence:
Self-confidence and self-esteem.
What is interesting is that one can exist without the other. Self-esteem and self-confidence do not always occur together. It is entirely possible to be confident in your abilities but have low self-esteem. However, when we are confident in areas of our lives, it may help to increase our overall sense of esteem, allowing us to work on both at the same time.
As I delved deeper into my research, exploring various links provided by Google, I came across some information that said, “Confidence is not a fixed trait that you are born with or without. It is not something that can be learned like a set of rules; confidence is a state of mind.”
What is happening with our minds?
Confidence is linked to several brain regions and processes.
One of them is the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in planning, decision-making, and self-regulation. Another is the amygdala, which is responsible for emotional responses, especially fear and anxiety. A third is the hippocampus, which is crucial for memory and learning. There are other factors, such as hormones and neurotransmitters like dopamine.
When we have low confidence, the amygdala is overactive, our prefrontal cortex engagement is reduced, our hippocampal memory is inefficient, and our neurotransmitters are unbalanced
As a result - low confidence, a lack of self-belief, increased self-doubt, reduced motivation, and difficulty in taking action or pursuing goals. It may lead to missed opportunities and decreased overall well-being.
How we can boost our confidence?
Here are some techniques:
Confidence is a dynamic state that can be influenced by your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It can be challenging to build and maintain, but it is a crucial skill for a happy life.
Materials from LinkedIn/Google/National Library of Medicine.
Image - Unsplash/Google DeepMind