The Dynamic NewsMedia
Recently, I tried to watch TV for some time with my father. He switched to his favorite channel without an opinion of mine since it is his TV in his house where I cannot boss around. It was obviously a leading news reporting channel, the first choice for most of our 50+ family folks. The real debate was about to begin and when the topic for it was introduced on the channel, I got really excited since it was exceptionally pertinent to the current Covid situation.
The experts called upon could definitely find a solution to a big problem that was being discussed. I choose to not disclose the topic here in order to maintain the identity of the news channel concealed. The debate in a fraction of second turned out to be a competition to test who has the strongest vocal cords. To my bewilderment, the moderator here played a key role by instigating people to shout, offending them and their convictions and not even waiting for a minute to listen to their arguments or counter arguments. I am a strong believer of the fact that news media is the source of nothing but truth, it is one of the strongest platforms to solve differences and find solutions to problems at a National and International level. They have the power to make the right people come to a common platform and interact which would otherwise never happen. They can also play a significant role in creating awareness among the masses and make people choose the right path in difficult scenarios like the current one. In the process, they would probably improve their Target Rating Points too.
However, in this case the only outcome was to convert the debate on this important topic to another reality show. Had the people been allowed to collaborate and talk on the platform, a very important problem for the nation could have been resolved. To my disappointment, I switched to another news channel but found the scenario to be the same. The moderator here again was playing the role of a judge trying to find the one with the best vocal cords. However, unlike what we see in various other competitions, the judge here was keen to prove that he/she deserves to be the winner.
This leaves me on a very curious note, is it me who understands the role of news media differently? What are your opinions on the same?