THE DYNAMIC of the KARMA. written by Vladimiro Di Vito
Vladimiro Di Vito
I am a cosmopolitan man, with a spiritual obligation to promote social rights and human dignity of all kinds.
Seattle, 9/09/21
The original idea came from the Indian philosophies of Buddhism and Hinduism. They both believed that bad karma or “re retribution” is an integral part of being born into the world and that if you could learn how to erase bad karma or at least reduce it significantly, you could enhance your life and quality of living substantially.
Both Indian Buddhism and the Hinduism systems of moral behaviour stem from the same root. However, in India, Buddhism, and Hinduism, karma and dharma become much more than mere principles.
They are deeply rooted doctrines with profound moral meanings. They are used to explain why things happened the way they do, to help us make better choices in our lives, and to help guide us towards happiness and spiritual enlightenment. They also often describe various techniques for achieving self-actualization.
One interesting aspect of karma and its consequences is that there is apparently no way you can completely eradicate them. Even if you don’t fully understand the relationship between what you are doing now and your?future destiny. it is certainly true that your present actions can have a direct effect on your karmic prospects.
If we are suffering in our present life is due to past karma. You might claim that it is unfair as we don’t remember what we did in our past lives. There is this phrase in Buddhism that says:?“If you want to understand the causes that existed in the past, look at the results as they are manifested in the present and if you want to understand what results will be?manifested in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present.”
This is why people who practice religion encourage their readers to practice “pray hard” and “do good.” Practising “good karma” and using “acts of kindness” are just as beneficial to your?spiritual development as are “acts of truth” and “charity.”
That is the only way to achieve high rate of enlightment and became more and more a man of wisdom, of course in years of fath, believes, studies, commitments and sacrifise.
In conclusion this spiritual philosophy of life is the more linear and easy to understand for my point of view.
WorldPiece NamasteAmen Vladimiro Di Vito