On the Dylan Roof sentencing (not yet clear whether he's going to be executed or not) let that unhinged prick Dylan Roof rot in a jail cell for the rest of his natural life. How infinitely more satisfying, if retribution is what's on your mind, than lethal injection. Because I stand against the death penalty, as a matter of personal belief, I stand against Dylan Roof being executed. Besides the fact that the US aligns itself with some pretty gnarly third-world countries in keeping this barbaric practice legal, this situation, whether to put Roof to death or not, boils down to a simple case of arithmetic. If retribution, revenge, is the objective here (and I get that, I get wanting to exact the pound of flesh) how does snuffing out the life of an anal rash named Dylan Roof equal that of nine, vibrant, loving American ones? Answer me this, death penalty supporter.