D`vyne Entertainment Explores New Philanthropic Opportunities In 2017
Brand Coordinator along with Operations Manager for D`vyne Entertainment Online
The result of the presidential election has served as a wake up call for many artists and executives alike in the music industry and so it has become important to double down on promoting, supporting and giving to the many worthy causes likely to be threatened by the new administration. Aside from giving money D`vyne Entertainment have decided to become more vocal using their various promotions and productions to galvanize as many interested people as they work within and outside the general music community.
However the question of how best to direct their energies and personal resources to this endevour is not a simple one. With the current news dominated by daily reports on immigration, civil liberties, healthcare, artist compensation and other issues our company has been jolted out of a feeling of complacency and our eyes have been opened to the amazing groups and organizations we'd like to support and apply our collective skills and contacts to in both traditional and social media to ensure voices are heard and worth while issues are kept front and center.
We will keep you abreast of our growth and progress in this new philanthropic effort and now we would like to share with you this link on the story of a group of Bronx, NY Cheerleaders who exhibit the type of cause that interests us. The James Monroe Eagles. https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20170109/soundview/james-monroe-high-school-cheerleaders-nationals