D`vyne Entertainment Encourages Everyone To Exercise Their Right To Vote …
Brand Coordinator along with Operations Manager for D`vyne Entertainment Online
Consider these thoughts, The United States of America is in a very strange place right now. Batman *(Ben Affleck) is out of rehab, Superman *(Henry Cavill) has quit the superhero game and Captain America *(Chris Evans) has hung up his shield. In addition the obvious problems with the divisiveness of any alternative political thought but our own is backed by voters who want to drastically diverge from the sensible values we were exploring and implementing back to the conservative past. This is why Mr. Kavanaugh was able to be confirmed by the Senate despite mounting protests over his attitude, statements and demeanor during his hearing, Trump could very possibly be a two-term president. Until all exercise their right to vote … our society will continue to be divided. Therefore November could reveal our country's biggest midterm election analysis of our lives. So on Tuesday November 6th use your right to stop this insanity and turn our hearts and minds as a country back to Martin Luther King's beautiful mosaic on the mountain top. Motivate your friends and get them to vote. If you believe in equality for women, equality for people of color, equality for the LGBTQ community or the need for a serious discussion on prison reform. If you believe that climate change is real and we need to do something about it because the Earth is our common home, or even if you believe the complete opposite of all these things don't let anyone convince you that your vote won't count. Take the opportunity to VOTE! Change happens and it starts with you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHFOwlMCdto