D`vyne Entertainment Brings Awareness To These Troubling Times

D`vyne Entertainment Brings Awareness To These Troubling Times

There are times when social conditions and societal consciousness along with government in action cross paths to create a feeling of general uneasiness in the overall population. No matter what side your on or what your political afilliation may or might not be the times are changing rapidly and it's all because of A WALL. On February 1, 2019 Kellyanne Conway made the strongest case for all Americans as to why building the President's border wall between the United States and Mexico was not a good idea. She was in the middle of praising the seizure of the largest fentanyl shipment in the history of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency. However, the 250 pounds of the drug that was seized was found inside a truck caring cucumbers at a border check point near Arizona and not anywhere near any of the locations across where our President wants to build his barrier. No, a wall would not have stopped this shipment and that's not because of Mrs. Pelosi or the Democratic Party's lack of action. Putting resources towards better technology, more and better trained Border Patrol officers and a policy that's smart will enable future successful seizures. The federal government was closed for 4 weeks, and during that time thousands of contractors missed their paycheck. Musicians are contractors in a sense too, we are Freelancers and depend on the work of others to get paid just like them. Trump has warned that if no agreement is in place by February 15, 2019 the federal government will shut down again or he will declare a national emergency to get money for a wall along the U.S. - Mexico border which Mexico (he said) was originally supposed to pay for. D`vyne Entertainment believes the President's efforts fail short of solving the problems (created or real) at hand and we believe the freelance contractors along with the federal employees and their families who are looking at the very real possibility of missing another paycheck must be supported. And so we submit this link to a video created at our Spooky Jam celebration last year displaying our thoughts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPgSOGkXLcY



