DVS deadline postponed to May 2025
Daltec AI Ltd
Daltec Ltd has been distributing vehicle safety products and auto electrical workshop supplies for over 20 years
DVS deadline postponed
The enforcement of London’s Progressive Safe System (PPS) rules under the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) will now begin on May 4, 2025, as the grace period has been extended by six months. This extension was approved by the London Councils’ Transport and Environment Committee.
What is DVS?
The DVS aims to improve drivers’ vision through the cab windows of heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) over 12 tonnes to prevent collisions caused by limited visibility. All HGVs entering Greater London will need to meet a three-star safety rating from October 28, 2024.
Requirements for compliance
Lorries that do not meet the new standard will need to install advanced warning systems, referred to as the Progressive Safe System (PSS), to obtain a permit from TfL. However, many fleets are concerned about the availability and reliability of the necessary equipment and the timeframe for installation.
At Daltec we are committed to ensuring our customer based have the right PSS solution in order to fulfil their client demands. Explore Virtus Fleet DVS Progress Safe System Solution.
Read the full article here.. https://dal-tec.com/dvs-deadline-postponed-to-may-2025/