Duty and Delight.
The great Mark Twain once remarked, "The law of work seems unfair, but nothing can change it; the more enjoyment you get out of your work, the more money you will make." This sentiment is invaluable for working in the 21st century. While work is challenging, finding joy in your endeavors can lead to fruitful outcomes.
Booker T. Washington echoed this sentiment, stating, "I repeat that the main rule by which I have been guided in collecting money is to do my full duty in regard to giving people who have money an opportunity for help." He viewed his work as a duty, an opportunity, and a privilege to offer others the chance to invest in a mission that makes a difference in the world. He firmly believed in the transformative power of his efforts to change lives and improve the world. Washington saw it as his responsibility to be dedicated to fundraising, not only as an obligation but as a pleasure he cherished.
As we observe Black History Month, let us be individuals who seek out causes and missions to which we are willing to dedicate our lives and that we can enjoy. From the abundance of our enjoyment, let resources flow to make a significant impact in the world.
#JoyfulWork #TransformativeFundraising #DedicationToCauses #BookerTWashington #ImpactfulMissions #BlackHistoryMonth #PurposefulGiving #WorkWithJoy #FulfillingMissions #InvestInChange #ResourcefulImpact #FundingTribe