Duties of the Nonprofit Board: Summary of Fiduciary Duties
Liga Consulting & Training, LLC
Empowering Nonprofits for Lasting Impact
Whenever an individual or group is legally required to place the best interests of another before their own, they have a fiduciary obligation.? Lawyers, financial planners, legal guardians, executors, and others all have fiduciary responsibilities. Failure to carry out these obligations may result in personal liability.
The Duties of Obedience, Due Care, and Loyalty are examples of fiduciary obligations, which require nonprofit boards to ensure the organizations they govern serve the common good and are well-managed. Donors, grantors, the government, and the public at large all place their trust in nonprofit boards. Members of the board are legally required to maintain this trust.? This is why a thorough understanding of these duties is so critical for members of nonprofit boards.
While you may feel honored when approached to serve on a nonprofit board, do not take this opportunity lightly.? Saying yes is a legal commitment that will take time and resources you could be spending elsewhere. As you consider the offer, here are some questions you should ask yourself:
Be suspicious if you are told serving on a board will not take any of your time, require any work, or be simple. The person is either not being truthful, does not understand the true role, or is not interested in having a board that functions as it should. The fiduciary obligations of serving on a nonprofit board will require you to commit your time and take on additional responsibilities that will sometimes prove difficult. You are being entrusted with the mission of an organization whose primary purpose is to serve others. Nonprofit board service is an honor, but it is also a commitment and hard, yet meaningful, work when done well.
Now that you know what you must do as a member of a nonprofit board of directors, it is time to explore how to carry out those duties well. Next week, I will begin a new series on the principles of Good Governance to do just that!