The Dutch Illustrator-M.C. Escher

The Dutch Illustrator-M.C. Escher

I have had to ask myself as I pushed to complete my degree in Industrial Design, what my true passion is and what my inspiration is that led me down this path.  As I have show in most of my work, illustration saturates my soul and mathematics dwells in my brain.  Industrial Design was a logical field to join in shifting my gears from my engineering past.

From my childhood, there have been two illustrators that have truly inspired me to follow my passion for illustration.  Graeme Base and M.C. Escher.  Since Graeme Base is still with us, I figured it fitting to base more of my work on that of M.C. Escher as a tribute to my inspiration.  More fittingly as well, he work was mathematically based as shown in the creation of tessellations.  Anyway, here are two recent pieces I did to commemorate a true madman of illustration.

This next once is my concept of the M.C. Escher Drawing Room.  See how many hidden Escher-isms you can find.


