Dutch Fishing for Litter fleet expands!
July 6th, 2018, 13 fishing vessels of Shipping Company Jaczon joined KIMO's Dutch Fishing For Litter Scheme officially. During a great meeting held at Scheveningen Port (The Hague, the Netherlands), the crews of a number of vessels that joined #FishingforLitter were informed about the background, the necessity to do the job and the procedures. Presentations about this were delivered by a variety of project partners, including: Aukje Coers (Shipping companies C. Vrolijk & Jaczon), Mike Mannaart (executive secretary of KIMO's Netherlands-Belgian network), Jan Joris Midavaine (KIMO's project manager of the Dutch Fishing for Litter scheme), Robert Steenbergen (Healthy Seas, a journey from waste to wear initiative) and Kenny Baas (Bek & Verburg waste collectors and processors).
The weather was great as well as the response. The Dutch Fishing for Litter fleet now comprizes 123 fishing vessels altogether. A truly great number, but we will do our utmost to expand this. That all, together with our colleagues in other NW European coastal countries working jointly for a clean #OurOcean to get rid of #marinelitter
Senior Policy Adviser European Affairs and Water Resilience
6 年With the EU Plastics Strategy and the draft Port Reception Facility Directive things have and will be?done indeed