As the Dust Settles…..BLUE Crosswave Stalls BIG RED SURGE….not the Big Lie but the Big Why ???

As the Dust Settles…..BLUE Crosswave Stalls BIG RED SURGE….not the Big Lie but the Big Why ???

`Mindful Awareness 101 … are constantly objectifying your perception based on a wide range of diverse facts…..the boarder the spectrum the more extensive your insights

I will be the first to admit that last night’s results are not what I completely conceived but are not totally surprising.

“Segmented Reality” is the world that the majority of Americans live as they are siloed in their information sources and cloistered in the groups that they interact with on a daily basis.

These are the safe spaces as Cancel Culture has promoted a Tribalism of exclusive groups all separated in their own walled off spheres.

Hardly a new phenomenon the creation of universal education in Ancient Greece was created to establish a normative standard of Citizens and to precisely break the pernicious Tribalism that blocked the unity of the Democratic State.

The Taoist also created universal education to Humanize their people so that they could interact and work more cooperatively for the benefit of the Imperial State.

Our current deeply polarized America is not some new modern challenge but something that is old as human civilization.

What is surprising (to me) is how the President and his party were not rebuked for their mishandling of a long list of items that has created chaos in American society, a declining quality of life and this Winter such suffering that we have never seen …..

This is not drama but an honest educated appraisal that defies the logical mind as so many poor results have been rewarded. ?

Yet if you live in the realm of objective reality something far more compelling in the voters minds offended a deep level of sensibility that was so highly personal that the voter would not openly talk about it ….but when the curtain closed….

Yesterday ….they sure let us know.

One word stalled yesterdays Red Wave……DOBBS

The entire matter from the “leak” which has never been “solved” and then its release in the Spring of 2022 effectively crippled the Red Wave.

One may dare say that if times were better, the President competent/cogent and not a caricature of “Endless Pinocchio's”, the repression of a corrupt system so crushing to the American people

…..the GOP gains we have seen ..would not exists….sorry …almost nothing!

The President today will crow about his victory instead of showing the type of class Senator Hassan demonstrated last night thanking the General and not allowing any disrespect to him

?…I was proud of her…that was the right thing to do….remember I’m objective

.......her actions showed true leadership. ?

The truth be told if the election was held in July of 2022 a month after Dobbs it would have been a GOP rout. ?

The other factor that stalled the Red Wave is “Irrational Fear” of impending doom that daily was drummed into the minds of voters.

In my last book I spoke about an educational technique I have come to call “Repetitive Sequencing”….the daily routine, regiment and ritual imprinting of information that layer by layer becomes the relative conscious perceptional awareness of the individual.

With abject Orwellian brilliance day after day…thousands of images of falsehood convinced a sizable amount of voter that 45ism equals destruction.

Elections today are decided in the margins of error, and this was another factor that stalled the Red Wave.

With all that said….the Republicans will take the House and have an excellent chance of controlling the Senate.

There is no doubt deep deep hatred for the many partisan misdeeds of the pervious two years and a compelling thirst for revenge.

Such actions are for simple not smart sophisticated minds that are always thinking about the long game.

I feel your pain, and nothing would please me more to see someone like Dr. Fauci whose specious behaviors enriched himself and harmed the nation be slowly revealed for all his nefarious actions.

Yet ..One of the fundamental reasons the Wave stalled is this justifiable belief that those on the Right are extreme…cannot act in moderation …are not attuned with the current society and exist in their own private Retro-Sphere….living in a reality of the past ?

So, if GOP Leadership desires to have an endless parade of Show Trails like the Dems did with the Jan 6th Circus…which globally exhibited WDC Political Class at its very worse….

Then they will received even more diminished results in 2024

You have been given an Opportunity Moment to prove your worth, insight, leadership, vision, and the collective benefit these creative good works produce

The people will be watching, and the opportunity of conversion does exist as from my experience your ability to produce successful results builds confidence and esteem even with people that don’t like you.

More of the same negative personal politics is the exhaustion the American public is not looking for….

Another reality is also revealed with last night results.

Florida is the new center of the GOP and its leadership team are the future national leaders that can lead a multi-ethnic inclusive futuristic America Success Team……by 2050 one of every three American will be Hispanic

The media has done an effective job of covering 45 with so many layers of intrigue, falsehood, and entrapment that despite his excellent management skills has rendered him increasingly less and less effective or influential.

I’ve met him in a small group and wish him well and thank him for all the good he has done for my family but in life you need to know when to pivot as our days are filled with many seasons and it is a wise individual that knows when they must realign both their perspective and position.

While I think it is most unfair and as I said at the beginning of my article …smart ?objective minds must asks

….. why this man has been so effective in disrupting the Power Elite Structure that with all their might they seek his destruction?

Place your blinders aside and ponder that question for a moment as it speaks to a far more insidious question of Structural Power.

In the final analysis

Did voters reward the Democrats for their failed policies that has produced such hardship in our Nation?

Voters expressed their absence of confidence that Republicans can be objective critical thinkers who are not ideologs unwilling to listen or consider inclusively diverse opinions.

The simplest manner to discredit your critics and to convert those on the fence is to show them the excellence of your flexibility, fairness, and willingness to collaboratively work to create new coalitions.

Last night was surely not 2016 and the voters are expressing their concerns

As the Lord said in the Parable of the Sower of the Seed which the one good seed burst forth with fruit one hundred-fold….

“He who has ears to hear…let him hear”

The smart objective minds hear the clarion message and in sincerity responds with action


Good Luck to all those who won last night


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