Dust Mite Allergies – what to do
Dust Mites are tiny organisms that belong to the same family as spiders. They eat your dead skin scales that have fallen off as well as other things such as house dust, pollen and fungal spores. If you suffer from asthma, hay fever or eczema then you’re more likely to be allergic to dust mites and also from their droppings and shed skin. Dust mites, along with other allergens found in the environment such as mould, pollen and animals tend to thrive in humidity making them more common in coastal areas. You will find them in soft furnishings; clothes, bed linen, lounges, carpets and stuffed toys.
Symptoms you may suffer with if you are allergic to dust mites include wheezing or coughing, breathlessness, a tight feeling in the chest, a runny or itchy nose, itchy eyes or skin and skin rashes.
What is dust mite allergy?
Dust mite allergy is common in Australia, and many people may be unaware that they are sensitive even if you have been diagnosed as it can be difficult to pinpoint trigger situations. A dust mite allergy can affect anyone, although it’s common for it to be genetic. People sensitive to dust mites are more likely to have a worsening of symptoms during the more humid summer months which increase dust mite populations. Our warm, humid climate in Australia makes dust mite levels fairly high so they can be an issue year-round.
Reducing your exposure to dust mites
Dust mites cannot be removed completely from your home; however, you can reduce your exposure to them by doing the following things. Start using a dust mite mattress, pillow and quilt cover, wash your bedding?and soft toys in water hotter than 55°C often or use laundry washing products containing eucalyptus or tea tree oils. Stay away from woollen bedding and keep the levels of humidity low. You can do this with good ventilation and use a dehumidifier or air conditioner. Also ensure you vacuum the house weekly with a HEPA filter. You may need someone else can do this for you so you can avoid the particles and dust mites while they are in the air. You need to keep your pets outside if possible, dry your clothes and bedding in sunlight, look at replacing your carpets with wood or tiles, clean blinds and curtains regularly and always wash clothes that have been in storage for a while before wearing them. However, sometimes these minimising steps may not always be effective for everybody as they may not be enough to reduce the triggers to a comfortable level.
What to do to treat this allergy
To treat a dust mite allergy, you need to do some sensitivity and allergy testing which we do here at the clinic. It’s a saliva test and will tell you what your triggers are and then we can look at how to handle them. We use natural supplements to assist in alleviating your symptoms so you become less sensitive as time goes on. Some people prefer to be treated with immunotherapy, which gradually exposes you to dust mite allergens to train your immune system to be less sensitive to them however this does not work for everyone which is one of the reasons we don’t use it. Also it would take up to three years to alleviate your symptoms meanwhile you are still suffering. If you want to follow this course then feel free but it’s a good idea to contact us to see how we can assist with the symptoms in the meantime. Some of our supplements will get you results in as little as three months depending on what your other general health issues are and your immunity levels. Give us a call to find out how we can assist you best.?