Dussehra is every day

Dussehra is every day

Dussehra is one of the most significant festivals we celebrate.?

Dussehra also depicts the victory of good over evil. Two great battles are remembered on this day, the victory of Lord Rama against his battle with Ravana & Goddess Durga’s victory over the demon Mahishasura. Both demonstrated the fact that in the end being good and doing the right things will always win in the end. Fight the good fight.

There is a another version in a blog which is partly paraphrased below as

Link Attached - https://www.hinduamerican.org/blog/the-symbolism-of-ravanas-10-heads

?“ Ravana was a complex being, ?Ravana was a complex being, who exhibited not only negative qualities, but positive ones throughout his life’s journey. Each of the 10 heads are often depicted to symbolize the six?shastras?and four?vedas, as he was a famed devotee of Shiva, the God of Transformation.

But, like many before him, and many after, he was led astray in his desire for pleasure, succumbing to a medley of life’s vices in his pursuit of so-called happiness. Thus, as his hunger for power expanded, his 10 heads of knowledge became better known as symbols of the 10 qualities that exude those who are attached to such power “.

Kama?(lust) / Krodha?(anger) / Moha?(delusion) / Lobha?(greed) /?Mada?(pride) / Maatsarya?(envy) / Buddhi?(intellect) / Manas?(mind) / Chitta?(will) / Ahamkara?(ego) are the battles we need to win.

Being in the education space for over a dozen years, we often encounter several such battles in our quest for bringing “stem for all “.?

We face the odd teacher who loses her passion in her uphill journey to class from home, we face the odd educator who prefers to have more bling for the buck vs more bang for the buck, we face the odd parent who wants their child to become Einsteins after one class, we face the odd investor who wants the sexy J curve in the business which is infact built brick by brick.

Not that we are perfect, we have own demons we need to stave off, the odd day when we get tired of trying to justify the means for the end, the odd day when we lose a school despite giving our best, the days we lose schools because we did not give our best, the days when we take wrong decisions or hasty ones. ?The days when we cant reach schools or children in far off places for reasons like people, money or something other then the real ones !!

The battle is real, the battle is every day.

When we wish sometimes for everything to be perfect, and no battles to be won, I remember these lines from a post by Morgan Housel – ?“ 1905, author William Dawson wrote in his book “ The Quest for the simple life “ about how the hardest thing to understand about money is the thrill of the chase. Something you can easily afford brings less joy then something you must save and struggle for “

The chase or these battles is something that keeps us going. When there are no battles to be won, there will be no point at all or as Ralph Waldo Emerson said “ “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

Happy Dussehra – Keep fighting the good fight?


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