DUOLINGO is in the category of the online, affordable and convenient system of exam to certify English Language proficiency in the fields of speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills. This exam is recognized by thousands of Universities and Colleges based in the USA, UK, and Canada accepting its score as a part of the admission process

Students can appear for the test at home using their personal computers.?They ensures via an electronic mode that students appearing for the exam are alone and not seeking any help during the exam and can’t navigate from the browser.

Two Sections of DUOLINGO

Graded Section: Adaptive Test to check your English Language Skills – 45 minutes

Un-graded Section: Video Interview covering open-ended questions – 10 minutes

Students can appear for the test at home using their personal computers.?DUOLINGO ensures via an electronic mode that students appearing for the exam are alone and not seeking any help during the exam and can’t navigate from the browser.



