Rimpy Verma
“Positive Thinking is not about expecting the best to happen. It’s about accepting that whatever happens, happens for the best.”
A colony of frogs is traveling across a forest in search of a pond when two frogs fall into a deep pit. The other frogs gather around the pit and express their concern. The two frogs decide to ignore the demotivating words of others and jump out of the pit. One of the frogs eventually loses up and dies, while the other frog keeps jumping as high as it can. After an immense struggle, it finally comes out of the pit alive. The frog says that it is deaf and mistakenly believed that everyone was supporting it.
People's words have a big impact on our lives, but it matters how we interpret them and let them affect us.#selfmotivation #Inspiration #Keepgoing #nevergiveup #consistency #justdoit