Dumpster Fires, Liars, and Corporations
Baby B and the Truest his true feeling

Dumpster Fires, Liars, and Corporations

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Google images dumpster fire

WELCOME! Grow Up Lindsey, is based on my own self growth, vulgar vocabulary, ridiculous antics and just everyday life in my residence. I will share my bi-weekly life experiences with my followers (I still can't believe you like me this much). I am excited to share, the good, the bad and the ugly. I am not sure, where I want to start with this newsletter. I may not have picked the best platform for this, on the other hand, it could be exactly what I needed! I am a average person with a big personality, life experience beyond her age, and this mouth.... gets me in trouble sometimes. I tend to say things, that can be controversial.....? Grow Up Lindsey, is a hoot, trash dumpster on fire, and unicorn fiesta all in one!

This weeks bull s!@# ! Is brought to you by Glow Forge and their non-existent phone support and customer service. Some may think this is just to get my point across. It is.

Insert every bit of my excitement and then ball it up with dreams, ambition, motivation, drive, and every dollar to my name. Then, throw it in the dumpster and light it on fire. That is how I felt when my brand new Glow Forge, top of the line laser printer started acting up 4 days after receiving it. ?I was told in previous emails,?I would receive a BRAND NEW unit. Because, my issues were reported within the allotted time frame and GF could not troubleshoot my machine. I originally, received my machine on 11/16/2022 and my first email with issues was sent on 11/18-22/22. I thought I was just an unfortunate 1 of so many. I was under the impression this would be rectified and resolved properly, I was told I would receive a BRAND NEW?UNIT given the time frame. Originally, I was told for the inconvenience I would receive new GlowForge proof materials since mine were wasted using them to make the pins necessary to use the unit efficiently. Also, aligning and calibrating the machine constantly!!! Days of my time were spent going back and forth with IT support at Glow Forge. Numerous videos and pictures were sent.

Finally, I was sent a message guaranteeing me a new machine. I receive my machine via UPS 12/29/22, the box looks like it has been through war ! I open the box and find my new shiny GF is here!!!?I carefully, place the machine in its home (A sturdy solid table that does not wobble or move.), I begin unwrapping it and notice there is not a power cord? I did find the new carriage, and began placing that on. When I noticed, the silver grate plate is crooked!! Upon further inspection, I noticed not only is it crooked! There is a black wire wedged between the plate and the metal crate. THIS CANNOT BE SAFE AND I AM NOT COMFORTABLE ADJUSTING IT OR FIXING IT MYSELF. Waited two days for a phone call.

Fast forward to today 1/5/23, I am contacted by a representative by phone after two days of waiting and weeks of back and forth emails. The fact that I was sent a faulty unit and resent a unit that looks used/ if not used, then is extremely poorly thrown together. IS INSANITY! NOW TWO of GF representatives are telling me this unit is new. Which it may be, but it is not okay to operate and it is extremely poorly cleaned/ put together.

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Replacement Unit with wire wedged. Manufactured poorly with a crooked grate
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Picture of Fan with heavy usage that is suppose to be new.

I was reached out by REP, claims she is the manager of her team? This woman, made it known she had to clear her schedule, to talk to me. REP spoke to me as if I DID THIS TO the machine. Which is the farthest from the truth. Then, informed me on how much usage I got out of it. I explained,?that the usage I got, was minimal, if at all sell-able. The control arm was popping off !! These issues came about within the first week, of owning it. I have emails and videos and weeks of back and forth. I HAD TO TURN MY PIECES IN RIDICULOUS AND METICULOUS ANGLES, TO EVEN GET IT TO PRINT, REMOTELY ACCURATE. This took me hours, just so I could get the Christmas orders out, which some I ended up refunding. This caused cancelling and not being able to do shows. REP, proceeds to tell me she was only authorized a $250 gift card and I keep the faulty machine, OR I GET A NEW MACHINE AND NO GIFT CARD. This pissed me off. I felt bullied and attacked. My time was only worth $250, are you serious? I am a licensed paralegal by trade, this was not okay to do to a consumer, and that I would be contacting the Attorney Generals Office, if this isn't resolved. I want upper management, higher than her. I asked, "who was above her" she told me, she was it! Then REP, proceeded to end call. A follow up email came two hours later, informing me, she is forwarding this matter to the legal department.

I almost feel like there could be a correlation between some of the BBB complaints and clicklease clients. If you have purchased a glow forge, leased through clicklease and have had these similar issues/complaints, please reach out. Let me know what you would do in this instance, I have reached out to #DANSHAPIRO Himself with no luck. As a small business owner losing money daily, waiting weeks for a resolution is not ideal. #GlowForge needs to keep their word. These machines are too expensive to just shrug off. There are vehicles with better lemon laws than this "policy".

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