Dummies Guide to Understanding LLM

Dummies Guide to Understanding LLM

When ChatGPT was introduced last fall, it sent shockwaves through the technology industry and the larger world.Today almost everyone has heard about LLMs, and tens of millions of people have tried them out. But, still, not very many people understand how they work.

If you know anything about this subject, you’ve probably heard that LLMs are trained to “predict the next word,” and that they require huge amounts of text to do this. But that tends to be where the explanation stops. The details of how they predict the next word is often treated as a deep mystery but understanding word vectors is a good start.

How do Language models(LLM) work ??

Word vectors

To understand how language models work, you first need to understand how they represent words. Human beings represent English words with a sequence of letters, like C-A-T for cat. Language models use a long list of numbers called a word vector. For example, here is one way to represent cat as a vector:

[0.0074, 0.0030, -0.0105, 0.0742, 0.0765, -0.0011, 0.0265, 0.0106, 0.0191, 0.0038, -0.0468, -0.0212, 0.0091, 0.0030, -0.0563, -0.0396, -0.0998, -0.0796, …, 0.0002]        

(The full vector is 300 numbers long)

Geographical Analogies:

Washington DC is located at 38.9 degrees North and 77 degrees West. We can represent this using a vector notation:

This is useful for reasoning about spatial relationships. Language models take a similar approach: each word vector represents a point in an imaginary “word space,” and words with more similar meanings are placed closer together. You can tell New York is close to Washington DC because 38.9 is close to 40.7 and 77 is close to 74. By the same token, Paris is close to London. But Paris is far from Washington DC.

Another example, the words closest to cat in vector space include dog, kitten, and pet. A key advantage of representing words with vectors of real numbers (as opposed to a string of letters, like “C-A-T”) is that numbers enable operations that letters don’t.?

What words are related?to ?cat? in?model

Words are too complex to represent in only two dimensions, so language models use vector spaces with hundreds or even thousands of dimensions. The human mind can’t envision a space with that many dimensions, but computers are perfectly capable of reasoning about them and producing useful results.

Word vectors are a useful building block for language models because they encode subtle but important information about the relationships between words. If a language model learns something about a cat (for example: it sometimes goes to the vet), the same thing is likely to be true of a kitten or a dog. If a model learns something about the relationship between Paris and France (for example: they share a language) there’s a good chance that the same will be true for Berlin and Germany and for Rome and Italy

LLMs use more similar vectors for polysemous meanings than for homonymous meanings

"Polysemous" =Words that are having many meanings. For e.g

He was booked into the hotels vs. He was booked by the referee. Polysemes are often formed by conversion in which the form of a word remains unchanged but its word class alters . frame (a surrounding for a picture) and frame (falsely incriminate)

"Homonymous" = Words that have different meanings but are pronounced the same or spelled the same or both for e.g

Vector representations are fundamental to understanding how language models work.        

Traditional software is designed to operate on data that’s unambiguous. If you ask a computer to compute “2 + 3,” there’s no ambiguity about what 2, +, or 3 mean. But natural language is full of ambiguities that go beyond homonyms and polysemy:

  • In “the customer asked the mechanic to fix his car” does his refer to the customer or the mechanic?
  • In “the professor urged the student to do her homework” does her refer to the professor or the student?
  • In “fruit flies like a banana” is flies a verb (referring to fruit soaring across the sky) or a noun (referring to banana-loving insects)?

People resolve ambiguities like this based on context, but there are no simple or deterministic rules for doing this. Rather, it requires understanding facts about the world. You need to know that mechanics typically fix customers’ cars, that students typically do their own homework, and that fruit typically doesn’t fly

Word vectors provide a flexible way for language models to represent each word’s precise meaning in the context of a particular passage.

Transforming word vectors into word predictions

A modern LLM like Claude, Mistral & GPT-3, is a stack of dozens of transformers, with the output from one transformer becoming the input for the next one . These transformer based models like is organized into dozens of layers. Each layer takes a sequence of vectors as inputs—one vector for each word in the input text—and adds information to help clarify the meaning of that word and better predict which word might come next.

Let’s start by looking at a stylized example:

Each layer of an LLM is a transformer, a neural network architecture that was first introduced by Google in a landmark 2017 paper.

The model’s input, shown at the bottom of the diagram, is the partial sentence “John wants his bank to cash the.” These words, represented as vectors that are fed into the first transformer.?

The transformer figures out that wants and cash are both verbs (both words can also be nouns). We’ve represented this added context as red text in parentheses, but in reality the model would store it by modifying the word vectors in ways that are difficult for humans to interpret. These new vectors, known as a hidden state, are passed to the next transformer in the stack.

The second transformer adds two other bits of context: it clarifies that bank refers to a financial institution rather than a river bank, and that his is a pronoun that refers to John. The second transformer produces another set of hidden state vectors that reflect everything the model has learned up to that point

Research suggests that the first few layers focus on understanding the syntax of the sentence and resolving ambiguities like we’ve shown above. Later layers (which are not showing to keep the diagram a manageable size) work to develop a high-level understanding of the passage as a whole.

For example, as an LLM “reads through” a short story, it appears to keep track of a variety of information about the story’s characters: sex and age, relationships with other characters, past and current location, personalities and goals, and so forth.

Researchers don’t understand exactly how LLMs keep track of this information, but logically speaking the model must be doing it by modifying the hidden state vectors as they get passed from one layer to the next. It helps that in modern LLMs, these vectors are extremely large.

For example, the most powerful version of GPT-3 uses word vectors with 12,288 dimensions—that is, each word is represented by a list of 12,288 numbers

GPT-3, for example, has 96 layers. You can think of all those extra dimensions as a kind of “scratch space” that GPT-3 can use to write notes to itself about the context of each word. Notes made by earlier layers can be read and modified by later layers, allowing the model to gradually sharpen its understanding of the passage as a whole.

So suppose we changed our diagram above to depict a 96-layer language model interpreting a 1,000-word story. The 60th layer might include a vector for John with a parenthetical comment like “(main character, male, married to Jumi, cousin of Geet, from Mumbai, currently in Dubai, trying to find his missing wallet).” Again, all of these facts (and probably a lot more) would somehow be encoded as a list of 12,288 numbers corresponding to the word John. Or perhaps some of this information might be encoded in the 12,288-dimensional vectors for Jumi, Geet, Mumbai, Dubai, or other words in the story.

The goal is for the 96th and final layer of the network to output a hidden state for the final word that includes all of the information necessary to predict the next word

Can I have your attention please

Now let’s talk about what happens inside each transformer. The transformer has a two-step process for updating the hidden state for each word of the input passage:

  1. In the attention step, words “look around” for other words that have relevant context and share information with one another.
  2. In the feed-forward step, each word “thinks about” information gathered in previous attention steps and tries to predict the next word

You can think of the attention mechanism as a matchmaking service for words. Each word makes a checklist (called a query vector) describing the characteristics of words it is looking for. Each word also makes a checklist (called a key vector) describing its own characteristics. The network compares each key vector to each query vector (by computing a dot product) to find the words that are the best match. Once it finds a match, it transfers information from the word that produced the key vector to the word that produced the query vector.

For example, in the previous section we showed a hypothetical transformer figuring out that in the partial sentence “John wants his bank to cash the,” his refers to John. Here’s what that might look like under the hood. The query vector for his might effectively say “I’m seeking: a noun describing a male person.” The key vector for John might effectively say “I am: a noun describing a male person.” The network would detect that these two vectors match and move information about the vector for John into the vector for his.

Each attention layer has several “attention heads,” which means that this information-swapping process happens several times (in parallel) at each layer. Each attention head focuses on a different task:

  • One attention head might match pronouns with nouns, as we discussed above.
  • Another attention head might work on resolving the meaning of homonyms like bank.
  • A third attention head might link together two-word phrases like “Joe Biden.”

And so forth.

Attention heads frequently operate in sequence, with the results of an attention operation in one layer becoming an input for an attention head in a subsequent layer. Indeed, each of the tasks we just listed above could easily require several attention heads rather than just one.

The largest version of GPT-3 has 96 layers with 96 attention heads each, so GPT-3 performs 9,216 attention operations each time it predicts a new word

The feed-forward step

After the attention heads transfer information between word vectors, there’s a feed-forward network that “thinks about” each word vector and tries to predict the next word. No information is exchanged between words at this stage: the feed-forward layer analyzes each word in isolation. However, the feed-forward layer does have access to any information that was previously copied by an attention head

An Example of GPT 3

The green and purple circles are neurons: mathematical functions that compute a weighted sum of their inputs.

What makes the feed-forward layer powerful is its huge number of connections. The example in above network shows three neurons in the output layer and six neurons in the hidden layer, but the feed-forward layers of GPT-3 are much larger: 12,288 neurons in the output layer (corresponding to the model’s 12,288-dimensional word vectors) and 49,152 neurons in the hidden layer.

So in the largest version of GPT-3, there are 49,152 neurons in the hidden layer with 12,288 inputs (and hence 12,288 weight parameters) for each neuron. And there are 12,288 output neurons with 49,152 input values (and hence 49,152 weight parameters) for each neuron. This means that each feed-forward layer has 49,152 12,288 + 12,288 49,152 = 1.2 billion weight parameters. And there are 96 feed-forward layers, for a total of 1.2 billion * 96 = 116 billion parameters!

This accounts for almost two-thirds of GPT-3’s overall total of 175 billion parameters.. Here is the list of complete list of GPT versions

  • GPT-1: 117 million parameters
  • GPT-2: 1.5 billion parameters
  • GPT-3: 175 billion parameters
  • GPT-4: 1.76 trillion parameters

In a 2020 paper, researchers from Tel Aviv University found that feed-forward layers work by pattern matching: each neuron in the hidden layer matches a specific pattern in the input text. Here are some of the patterns that were matched by neurons in a 16-layer version of GPT-2:

  • A neuron in layer 1 matched sequences of words ending with “substitutes.”
  • A neuron in layer 6 matched sequences related to the military and ending with “base” or “bases.”
  • A neuron in layer 13 matched sequences ending with a time range such as “between 3 pm and 7” or “from 7:00 pm Friday until.”
  • A neuron in layer 16 matched sequences related to television shows such as “the original NBC daytime version, archived” or “time shifting viewing added 57 percent to the episode’s.”

As you can see, patterns got more abstract in the later layers. The early layers tended to match specific words, whereas later layers matched phrases that fell into broader semantic categories such as television shows or time intervals.

The attention and feed-forward layers have different jobs. Attention heads retrieve information from earlier words in a prompt, whereas feed-forward layers enable language models to “remember” information that’s not in the prompt.

In the view of philosophers like Andy Clark, the human brain can be thought of as a “prediction machine”, whose primary job is to make predictions about our environment that can then be used to navigate that environment successfully. Intuitively, making good predictions benefits from good representations—you’re more likely to navigate successfully with an accurate map than an inaccurate one. The world is big and complex, and making predictions helps organisms efficiently orient and adapt to that complexity.

Traditionally, a major challenge for building language models was figuring out the most useful way of representing different words—especially because the meanings of many words depend heavily on context. The next-word prediction approach allows researchers to sidestep this thorny theoretical puzzle by turning it into an empirical problem. It turns out that if we provide enough data and computing power, language models end up learning a lot about how human language works simply by figuring out how to best predict the next word. The downside is that we wind up with systems whose inner workings we don’t fully understand.

Souce: Human* + AI Assistance (Credits to Tim Lee)


