The Dummies Guide to tell if You Are an Expert or Nah
“Expert” is just like the term “viral.”
It gets thrown around way too much these days.
And when someone asked me about being an expert on recent live training, I googled to see what others were saying.
Here’s what I found:
Most people consider you an expert if:
1) You are More Knowledge than Others's definition of an expert is “a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field.” Meaning, if you have more knowledge on a subject than the average person, you might qualify as an expert in that field.
2) You have Recognized Credentials
Whenever a market booms, the number of experts in that market quickly booms too as people try to cash in, like with social media.
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If you spent 7+ years at an accredited university becoming a doctor and can now add ‘M.D.' to your name, few people will doubt your expertise.
3) You Can Demonstrate Expertise
Anyone can read hundreds of blog posts, watch dozens of YouTube clips and then re-tell that information to anyone who asks.
Only real experts know how to apply that information in real-world situations and will have done so.
Here are my 8 ways to tell if you're an expert.
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