Last week one of my Bullen/AirX wholesaler DSR's called me with what even he prefaced was a "dumb question" from one of his customers. The question was:
"Can you use AirX Spray n' Go Disinfectant Cleaner to disinfect humans?"
Obviously, it's a simple answer. No. ...and don't even try it.
Yes, this is the most ridiculous question I've had during these already crazy times being in the sanitary supply industry! ...but, does it make sense to laugh at the stupidity of these types of questions? Of course not and we should not!!
All dumb questions come from "someplace" with some background context, which can help us understand the basis of the question in the first place. Always follow-up a dumb question with a simple: "Why do you ask?"
AND, when it comes to disinfection or infection control questions, folks are just looking for guidance in a world where even the federal government is confusing the issue. ...and where people's health and safety are the greatest concerns. Kill the bad germs in our environments in the fastest and safest way possible, before those germs possibly kill us. ...and there's lots of options to reach the same result.
Confusion and lack of clarity abounds and this is what most often leads to these dumb questions.
Ask me all the dumb questions you want!! I won't laugh. I won't giggle. I won't berate you. As professional cleaning consultants we should all provide the best answer and bring clarity to a world just looking for answers to deal with tough situations.
Bring me your dumb questions!!